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Jenkins User Boot Camp (Java/Python)

The 21st-century software engineering practices of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) have rapidly come to define the best practices for software development, quality assurance,...

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$1,650 USD
Duration 2 days
Available Formats Classroom

The 21st-century software engineering practices of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) have rapidly come to define the best practices for software development, quality assurance, and delivery. CI/CD practices are fundamental to most successful DevOps practices and enable huge benefits for delivering more value, more frequently and with lower risk than traditional engineering. At the same time, CI/CD practices drastically reduce many of the risks and pains associated with deploying software releases and bugfixes. Jenkins has long been the community tool leader in the open-source world for practicing continuous integration and delivery. This hands-on Jenkins training course teaches enables engineering and development teams to use a practical end-to-end DevOps Pipeline to create, test and deploy Java and Python code using Jenkins. Our lab environment and classroom model is deeply interactive, giving students hands-on practice and access to an expert in the classroom so they can return to work ready to immediately use everything Jenkins has to offer. NOTE: This course assumes a working knowledge of Java and Python. If additional training is needed to prepare your team, please contact your learning advisor.

Skills Gained

  • Automate your Software Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins
  • Integrate Jenkins with Git / GitHub
  • Take your Agile Teams to the next level with Jenkins
  • Reduce integration issues
  • Improve code quality
  • Manage plugins within the Jenkins platform
  • Build and automate deployments
  • Review and implement best practices for Jenkins Pipeline

Who Can Benefit

  • Software Developers
  • Code Developers
  • Quality Assurance Professionals
  • Software Testers
  • Product Owners
  • System administrators and operators
  • Business Intelligence Professionals
  • Infrastructure Engineers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Development Team Members
  • Operations Team Members
  • Anyone who is a hands-on user of Jenkins


  • Strong working knowledge of Java and Python
  • Experience working on the command line of Unix, Linux, or PowerShell
  • Writing code with a text editor
  • Basic system administration knowledge such as installing packages, configuration, starting a service

Course Details

Course Outline

  • Part 1: Source Control Management with Git
  • Part 2: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment with Jenkins
  • Part 3: Code Deployment and Release Management
  • Part 4: Notifications with Slack
  • Part 5: Linux Management