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Strategic Decision Making (SDM)

In today's business environment, managers face a challenging paradox. On the one hand, business growth often generates even more issues that have to be addressed, while on the other hand, we are...

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$1,295 USD
Course Code 8492
Duration 2 days
Available Formats Classroom

In today's business environment, managers face a challenging paradox. On the one hand, business growth often generates even more issues that have to be addressed, while on the other hand, we are expected to make faster and better decisions.

This course provides you with a practical approach to needs analysis, problem solving, and decision making that can be applied to simple and to complex issues. This course helps managers make better decisions, faster.

Skills Gained

  • Build on the decision making methods you already use every day
  • Characteristics of good business decisions
  • Use a three-step process for decision making
  • Gather better information to clearly define the business issue or problem
  • Develop new ideas to help deal with current, more complex issues you and your team may be facing
  • Apply the Decision Analysis Model to determine the most cost effective decision-making action
  • Align decisions with the organization's vision, mission, values, and key goals to make more strategic decisions

Who Can Benefit

Managers at all levels

Course Details

Day 1

10. Pattern Breaking

Day 2

8. Strategic Decision Making Tools

2. Strategic Decision Making Process

3. Completing a Detailed Needs Analysis

4. Issues Grid

5. Why Five

6. Setting a Decision Making Result

7. Connecting Needs Analysis to Active Leadership

8. Systematic Problem Solving

9. Brainstorming

10. Pattern Breaking

Day 2

1. Developing an Action Plan

2. What Five Approach

3. Coaching for Success

4. Escalating Decision Making

5. Managing the Paradoxes

6. Your Own Issue

7. Questions You Must Ask

8. Strategic Decision Making Tools