This is a one-day course available On-demand (self-paced) or Instructor-led by request.
Skills Gained
- Gain understanding of the Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform
- Explore use cases
- Receive an overview of Kafka’s core concepts that enable it to power a highly scalable, highly available and resilient real-time event streaming platform
- Be introduced to the Confluent Platform, offering an enterprise-ready, real-time event streaming platform powered by Apache Kafka
- Begin preparation to attend Confluent Operations for Apache Kafka and/or the Confluent Skills for Building Apache Kafka training courses.
Who Can Benefit
This course is designed for all professionals who work with a real-time event streaming platform powered by Apache Kafka. This course is a recommended prerequisite for students attending Confluent Operations for Apache Kafka and/or the Confluent Skills for Building Apache Kafka.
Attendees are not expected to have any prior experience with Kafka. Some basic understanding of the Linux OS and experience in using a shell like Bash is beneficial.
Hands-on Training
To help reinforce the concepts being taught, hands-on exercises are included throughout the training. Exercises include:
- Launching and exploring a minimal Kafka cluster
- Using Kafka command line tools to explore cluster meta data in ZooKeeper, create topics on the broker, and publish & consume messages
- Running a Java based consumer and observe consumer lag when scaling the consumer
- Configuring Kafka Connect with a MQTT Connector source to create a data pipeline
- Using Confluent Control Center to monitor your cluster and execute KSQL queries.
Course Outline
Motivation and Customer Use Cases
- Motivation for a paradigm change to “Event-driven”
- How Kafka is the backbone of real-time event streaming
- How other major players in the market use Kafka
- Microservices, IoT and Edge Computing
- Core Banking, payments engine and fraud detection
- Cyber Data Collection and Dissemination
- ESB Replacement
- Data Pipelining
- eCommerce and Customer 360
- Mainframe offloading
Apache Kafka Fundamentals
- Architecture
- ZooKeeper’s role
- Topics, Partitions and Segments
- The commit log and streams
- Brokers and Broker replication
- Producers Basics
- Consumers, Consumer groups and Offsets
How Kafka Works
- High-level code overview for a basic producer and a basic consumer
- High Availability through Replication
- Data Retention Policies
- Producer Design and Producer Guarantees
- Delivery Guarantees, including Exactly Once Semantic
- Partition strategies
- Consumer group rebalances
- Compacted Topics
- Troubleshooting strategies
- Security overview
Integrating Kafka into your Environment
- Get streams of data into and out of Kafka with Kafka Connect and REST Proxy
- Maintain data formats and ensure compatibility with Schema Registry and Avro
- Build real-time streaming applications with Confluent KSQL & Kafka Streams
The Confluent Platform
- The Streaming Platform as the Central Nervous System
- Deployment Models — on premise versus SaaS
- The Confluent Control Center
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- The Confluent CLI
- Confluent Operator
- The Confluent Hub for Certified Connectors