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Configure and Migrate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL

This Microsoft course DP-3021 introduces learners to Azure Database for PostgreSQL, a fully managed pay-as-you-go relational database service in the Microsoft cloud. Learners explore its key...

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$675 USD
Course Code DP-3021
Duration 1 day
Available Formats Classroom

This Microsoft course DP-3021 introduces learners to Azure Database for PostgreSQL, a fully managed pay-as-you-go relational database service in the Microsoft cloud. Learners explore its key features, including high availability, automatic backups, and robust security. This applied skills course covers the different deployment options and how to configure an Azure Database for a PostgreSQL server tailored to specific needs.

Skills Gained

  • Understand PostgreSQL architecture and its core components.
  • Master client-server communication and query processing in PostgreSQL.
  • Secure your Azure Database for PostgreSQL deployments using various security features.
  • Optimize database performance through techniques like write-ahead logging and query tuning.
  • Implement stored procedures and functions for enhanced database functionality.
  • Migrate data seamlessly to Azure Database for PostgreSQL using appropriate methods.
  • Confidently manage and administer your PostgreSQL databases within the Azure cloud environment.


All attendees must have an understanding of relational databases and basic SQL.

Course Details


Explore PostgreSQL architecture

  • Describe Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Understand PostgreSQL architecture
  • Understand PostgreSQL shared memory
  • Exercise – Explore Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Understand client-server communication in PostgreSQL

  • Understand connection handling
  • Understand the PostgreSQL client tools
  • Exercise - Explore PostgreSQL with client tools

Understand PostgreSQL query processing

  • Identify the query processing components
  • Understand the EXPLAIN statement
  • Exercise - Execute the EXPLAIN statement

Secure Azure Database for PostgreSQL

  • Describe Azure Database for PostgreSQL security
  • Describe built-in Azure Database for PostgreSQL server roles
  • Grant permissions in Azure SQL Database for PostgreSQL
  • Understand encryption in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Exercise: Configure permissions in Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Procedures and functions in PostgreSQL

  • Create a stored procedure in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Call a stored procedure in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Create and use a function in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Exercise - Create a stored procedure in Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Understand write-ahead logging

  • Describe write ahead logging
  • Describe replication and logical decoding
  • Exercise - List table changes with logical decoding

Configure and manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL

  • Understand the system catalogs and system views
  • Investigate metadata with system catalogs and system views
  • Explain the purpose of vacuum and autovacuum
  • Configure autovacuum server parameters
  • Exercise - Configure system parameters and explore metadata with system catalogs and views

Understand concurrency in PostgreSQL

  • Understand multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) and snapshots
  • Describe isolation levels
  • Understand locking
  • Exercise - Understand locking

Tune queries in Azure Database for PostgreSQL

  • Understand statistics
  • Assess query performance with the Query Store
  • Exercise - Assess query performance using Query Store

Migrate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server

  • Compare online and offline migrations
  • Identify migration tool options
  • Analyze the decision criteria for tool selection and migration model
  • Exercise – Offline PostgreSQL database migration
  • Exercise – Online PostgreSQL database migration