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Deploy and Manage Containers Using Azure Kubernetes Service

In this class, you practice deploying containers, container orchestration, and managing clusters on Azure Kubernetes Service. The skills validated include deploying, configuring, and scaling an Azure...

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$675 USD
Course Code AZ-1001
Duration 1 day
Available Formats Classroom

In this class, you practice deploying containers, container orchestration, and managing clusters on Azure Kubernetes Service. The skills validated include deploying, configuring, and scaling an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster. Also, deploying an Azure Container Registry instance and deploying an application into an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster.


  • Experience using the Azure portal to create resources.
  • Basic knowledge of security concepts like identities, permissions, and encryption.
  • Basic knowledge of networking concepts like virtual networks and subnetting.
  • Basic knowledge of Azure Policy and Azure Kubernetes Service concepts.

Course Details

Course Outline

  • Plan an Azure Kubernetes Service deployment
  • Deploy and use Azure Container Registry
  • Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
  • Configure an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
  • Deploy applications to Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Configure scaling in Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Guided Project - Deploy applications to Azure Kubernetes Service