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Build plugins and connectors for Microsoft 365 Copilot

This training course is designed to help you understand the extensibility options available for Microsoft 365 copilot. You will learn about the different ways to extend Copilot, including building...

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$675 USD
Course Code MS-4010
Duration 1 day
Available Formats Classroom, Virtual

This training course is designed to help you understand the extensibility options available for Microsoft 365 copilot. You will learn about the different ways to extend Copilot, including building plugins and connectors, and how to choose the right option for your use case. The course also covers best practices for building high-quality plugins and connectors, as well as data, privacy, and security considerations. Whether you are a pro-code or low/no-code developer, this course will help you chart your path to extending and customizing Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Audience Profile

This training course is targeted at developers who are interested in extending and customizing Microsoft 365 Copilot. This includes both pro-code and low/no-code developers who want to learn about the different Copilot extensibility options available and how to choose the right option for their use case.

Course Details


  • Microsoft 365 Copilot extensibility fundamentals
    • What is Copilot extensibility?
    • What are agents?
    • What are declarative agents?
    • What are custom engine agents?
    • Add knowledge with Graph connectors
    • Add skills with plugins
    • Knowledge check
  • Choose a Microsoft 365 Copilot extensibility development path
    • Why extend Copilot?
    • Which path for extensibility should you choose?
    • Which development approach should you take?
    • What development tools are available to extend Microsoft 365 Copilot?
    • How are companies extending Microsoft 365 Copilot?
    • How can I secure my data and ensure privacy?
    • Knowledge check
  • Introduction to declarative agents for Microsoft 365 Copilot
    • What are declarative agents?
    • How declarative agents work
    • When to use declarative agents
    • Knowledge check
  • Build your first declarative agent for Microsoft 365 Copilot by using Visual Studio Code
    • Create a declarative agent
    • Exercise - Create a declarative agent
    • Custom knowledge
    • Exercise - Configure custom knowledge
    • Conversation starters
    • Exercise - Add conversation starters
    • Knowledge check
  • Build your first action for declarative agents with API plugin by using Visual Studio Code
    • Create a declarative agent with an API plugin
    • Exercise - Create a declarative agent with an API plugin
    • Knowledge check
  • Use Adaptive Cards to show data in API plugins for declarative agents
    • Return rich responses with Adaptive Cards
    • Exercise - Return rich responses with Adaptive Cards
    • Knowledge check
  • Add custom knowledge to declarative agents using Microsoft Graph connectors and Visual Studio Code
    • Create a declarative agent with a Microsoft Graph connector
    • Exercise - Create a declarative agent with a Microsoft Graph connector
    • Knowledge check
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