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Design a dream destination with AI

In this learning path, you learn about the capabilities of generative AI using Microsoft Copilot. Bring your personal creativity and passion to dream up a novel destination and create the content to...

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Course Code AI-3024
Duration 1.5 hours
Available Formats Classroom

In this learning path, you learn about the capabilities of generative AI using Microsoft Copilot. Bring your personal creativity and passion to dream up a novel destination and create the content to help tell its story.

Course Details


  • Introduction
  • Exercise: Define your idea and set the context
  • Exercise: Create the hero image
  • Exercise: Make a grand entrance
  • Exercise: Brainstorm destination features
  • Exercise: Plan the Menu
  • Exercise: Ideate ambience and music
  • Exercise: Create branding material
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary