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Microsoft Project 2016 Level 1 and 2

This course is designed to familiarize you with the basic, advanced features and functions of Microsoft Project Professional 2016 so you can use it effectively and efficiently in a real-world...

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$1,090 USD
Course Code 55180AB
Duration 2 days
Available Formats Classroom

This course is designed to familiarize you with the basic, advanced features and functions of Microsoft Project Professional 2016 so you can use it effectively and efficiently in a real-world environment.

Skills Gained

  • Identify project management concepts and navigate the Project 2016 environment.
  • Create and define a new project plan.
  • Create and organize tasks.
  • Manage resources in a project plan.
  • Finalize a project plan.
  • Update a project plan to reflect progress as you execute the project.
  • Monitor project progress in the project plan.
  • Adjust the project plan to control constraints.
  • Create project reports to share a project’s status.
  • Customize project settings and share customizations with other projects.

Who Can Benefit

This course is designed for a person with an understanding of project management concepts and who is responsible for creating and maintaining project plans. The course will give the student a fundamental understanding of Microsoft Project 2016 necessary to create and save project plans.

This course is designed for students with an understanding of project management concepts who are responsible for creating and maintaining project plans. Target students will be looking to acquire the advanced knowledge and skills a project manager needs to update a project plan in Project 2016 during the execution, monitoring, and controlling phases of a project.


To ensure your success in this course, you should have basic project management knowledge and skills. The following Logical Operations course can help you in meeting this requirement: Project Management Fundamentals (Second Edition).

You should be able to create a new project plan, manage time in a project plan, manage tasks in a project plan, manage resources in a project plan, and share a project plan using Microsoft Office Project 2016.

You should also have basic knowledge and skills for using any current Windows® operating system—preferably Windows 10. The following Logical Operations courses can help you meet this requirement:

  • Using Microsoft® Windows® 10
  • Microsoft® Windows® 10: Transition from Windows® 7

Course Details

Course Outline

Getting Started with Microsoft Project

  • Identify Project Management Concepts
  • Navigate the Microsoft Project 2016 Environment

Defining a Project

  • Create a New Project Plan
  • Define a Project
  • Assign a Project Calendar

Creating and Organizing Tasks

  • Add Tasks to a Project Plan
  • Import Tasks From Other Programs
  • Create a Work Breakdown Structure
  • Define Task Relationships
  • Schedule Tasks

Managing Project Plan Resources

  • Add Resources to a Project Plan
  • Create a Resource Calendar
  • Enter Costs for Resources
  • Assign Resources to Tasks
  • Resolve Resource Conflicts

Finalizing a Project Plan

  • Optimize a Project Plan
  • Set a Baseline
  • Share a Project Plan

Executing a Project

  • Enter Task Progress
  • Update Task Progress with SharePoint
  • Update Work
  • Update Costs

Monitoring Project Progress

  • View Project Progress
  • Add Custom Fields
  • Create Custom Views
  • Create a Network Diagram
  • Analyze a Project Plan

Controlling a Project Plan

  • Edit the Task List
  • Reschedule Tasks
  • Update a Baseline

Reporting on Progress

  • Format and Share a Chart View
  • View Existing Reports
  • Create Custom Reports
  • Create a Visual Report

Customizing the Application

  • Change Project Options
  • Create a Project Plan Template
  • Share Resources
  • Link Project Plans

Appendix A: Extending Project with Macros and Apps