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Implement information protection and data loss prevention by using Microsoft Purview

Gain the skills to use Microsoft Purview to improve your data security in Microsoft 365. In this training, you learn how to create sensitive information types, create sensitivity labels, and use...

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$675 USD
Course Code SC-5003
Duration 1 day
Available Formats Classroom, Virtual

Gain the skills to use Microsoft Purview to improve your data security in Microsoft 365. In this training, you learn how to create sensitive information types, create sensitivity labels, and use auto-labeling policies based on these labels. You also learn how to set up DLP (Data Loss Prevention) policies to safeguard your organization's data.


  • Basic understanding of Microsoft 365 products and services
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Purview
  • An understanding of data security concepts

Course Details

Course Outline

  • Create and manage sensitive information types
  • Create and configure sensitivity labels with Microsoft Purview
  • Prevent data loss in Microsoft Purview
  • Implement information protection and data loss prevention with Microsoft Purview
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