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Getting Started with Anypoint Platform

Get a hands-on introduction to Anypoint Platform™ and learn the basics to design, build, deploy, and manage APIs without writing any code. Skills Gained Describe the benefits of application...

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$1,800 USD
Course Code MAX150
Duration 2 days
Available Formats Classroom

Get a hands-on introduction to Anypoint Platform™ and learn the basics to design, build, deploy, and manage APIs without writing any code.

Skills Gained

  • Describe the benefits of application networks and API-led connectivity.
  • Use Anypoint Exchange as a central repository for the discovery and reuse of assets.
  • Use API Designer to define APIs with RAML and make them discoverable by adding them to Exchange.
  • Use Anypoint Studio to build APIs that connect to databases and transform data with DataWeave.
  • Deploy API implementations to CloudHub.
  • Use API Manager to create and deploy API proxies that govern access to APIs.

Who Can Benefit

This introductory course is for anyone involved in an Anypoint Platform project who wants to get hands-on experience learning about the platform and how to use it to discover, consume, design, build, deploy, manage, and govern APIs — all without writing any code. This course is not for developers and architects who are going to take the Anypoint Platform Development: Fundamentals course, which includes this content and more.


  • A basic understanding of data formats such as XML and JSON
  • A basic understanding of typical integration technologies such as HTTP, REST, and SOAP

Course Details

Setup Requirements

  • A computer with: At least 8-16 GB RAM (16 highly recommended), 2GHz CPU, and 10GB available storage and a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768
  • Internet access to ports 80 and 3306 (with > 5Mbps download and > 2Mbps upload)
  • The latest version of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge
  • An Anypoint Platform account
  • Anypoint Studio 7.14 or later with embedded Mule 4.4 runtime
  • Advanced REST Client 16.0.1 or later (or any other REST client application)

Course Outline

Introducing application networks and API-led connectivity

  • Explain what an application network is and its benefits
  • Describe how to build an application network using API-led connectivity
  • Explain what web services and APIs are
  • Make calls to secure and unsecured APIs

Introducing Anypoint Platform

  • Describe the benefits of Anypoint Platform and MuleSoft’s approach to be successful with it
  • Describe the role of each component in building application networks
  • Navigate Anypoint Platform
  • Locate APIs and other assets needed to build integrations and APIs in Anypoint Exchange

Designing APIs

  • Define APIs with RAML, the Restful API Modeling Language
  • Mock APIs to test their design before they are built
  • Make APIs discoverable by adding them to the private Anypoint Exchange
  • Create public API portals for external developers

Building APIs

  • Use Anypoint Studio to build, run, and test Mule applications
  • Use a connector to connect to databases
  • Use the graphical DataWeave editor to transform data
  • Create RESTful interfaces for applications from RAML files
  • Connect API interfaces to API implementations
  • Synchronize changes to API specifications between Anypoint Studio and Anypoint Platform

Deploying and managing APIs

  • Describe the options for deploying Mule applications
  • Deploy Mule applications to CloudHub
  • Use API Manager to create and deploy API proxies
  • Use API Manager to restrict access to API proxies