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Data ONTAP 7-Mode Administration

Welcome to the NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode Administration course. Data ONTAP 8 is the next generation data storage operating system from NetApp. Data ONTAP 8.2 builds on the stability and reliability of...

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$4,500 USD
Course Code NA-D7ADM
Duration 5 days
Available Formats Classroom

Welcome to the NetApp Data ONTAP 7-Mode Administration course. Data ONTAP 8 is the next generation data storage operating system from NetApp. Data ONTAP 8.2 builds on the stability and reliability of the Data ONTAP 8 operating system and provides new functionality that sets it apart from all of the competition. This five-day instructor-led course enables you to perform basic support and administrative functions on a NetApp storage system running the Data ONTAP system operating in 7-Mode.

Skills Gained

  • By the end of this course you should be able to:
  • Identify the various components of a NetApp storage environment
  • Install and perform the setup configuration of Data ONTAP
  • Perform basic administration on a storage system
  • Explain and configure physical and logical storage
  • Identify and configure client protocols
  • State virtualization techniques available in Data ONTAP
  • Describe Snapshot copies and space consumption in Data ONTAP
  • Discuss backup methods available in Data ONTAP

Who Can Benefit

  • This course is intended for NetApp customers, partners and employees who provide basic support and perform administrative functions of the Data ONTAP 8.2 operating system.


  • Students who attend this course should have a background in system administration for UNIX or Microsoft Windows operating systems and/or Data ONTAP 7-Mode Fundamentals (WBT)

Course Details

Data ONTAP 7-Mode Administration

  • Module 1 The NetApp Storage EnvironmentIdentify the key features and functions of NetApp storage systems
  • Describe the advantages that a NetApp storage system provides
  • Distinguish between network-attached storage (NAS) and SAN topologies
  • Describe NetApp Unified Storage Architecture
  • Access the NetApp Support site to obtain software and hardware documentationModule 2 WAFL SimplifiedDescribe how data is written to and read from WAFL (Write Anywhere File Layout) file system on a volume
  • Explain the WAFL file system concepts, including consistency points (CPs), RAID management, and storage levels
  • Describe how RAID is used to protect disk data
  • Explain how the WAFL file system processes write and read requestsModule 3 Basic AdministrationConnect remotely to a FAS system by using the console and a remote host
  • Access NetApp System Manager to administrator a storage system
  • Execute commands by using the console, a remote host and NetApp System Manager
  • Use commands to analyze a FAS system
  • Configure and manage the NetApp AutoSupport tool for a FAS systemModule 4 Physical StorageDescribe Data ONTAP RAID technology
  • Identify a disk in a disk shelf based on its ID
  • Execute commands to determine a disk ID
  • Identify a hot-spark disk in a FAS system
  • Describe the effects of using multiple disk types
  • Create a 32-bit aggregate and a 64-bit aggregate
  • Execute aggregate commands in the Data ONTAP operating system
  • Calculate usable disk spaceModule 5 Logical StorageExplain the concepts related to volumes in the Data ONTAP operating system
  • Define and create a flexible volume
  • Execute vol commands
  • Define and create qtreesModule 6 Administration SecurityRestrict administrative access
  • Restrict console and NetApp System Manager access
  • Configure a client machine as an administration host to manage a storage systemModule 7 NetworkingIdentify the configuration of network settings and components in the Data ONTAP operating system
  • Explain and configure name resolution services
  • Configure routing tables in the Data ONTAP operating system
  • Define and create interface groups
  • Discuss the operation of virtual LANs (VLANs) and how to route themModule 8 NFSExplain NFS implementation in the Data ONTAP operating system
  • License NFS on a storage system
  • Explain the purpose and format of /etc/ exports
  • List and define the export specification options
  • Describe the use of the exportfs command
  • Mount an export on a UNIX hostModule 9 CIFSDescribe the CIFS environment
  • Configure the storage system to participate in the CIFS environment
  • Share a resource on the storage system
  • Map a drive from a client to the shared resource on the storage systemModule 10 NAS ManagementList some security methods for protecting data
  • Explain and configure a security style setting for a volume and a qtree
  • Describe methods of tracking and restricting storage usage
  • Explain, create, and manage quotas
  • Explain and configure the Data ONTAP FPolicy file-screening policyModule 11 SANExplain the purpose of a SAN
  • Identify supported SAN configurations
  • Distinguish between Fibre Channel (FC), Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and iSCSI protocols
  • Define a LUN and explain LUN attributes
  • Use the LUN setup command and NetApp System Manager to create iSCSI-attached LUNs
  • Access and manage a LUN from a Windows host
  • Define SnapDrive data management software and its featureModule 12 Snapshot CopiesDescribe the function of Snapshot copies
  • Explain the benefits of Snapshot copies
  • Identify and execute Snapshot commands
  • Create and delete Snapshot copies
  • Configure and modify Snapshot options
  • Explain the importance of the .snapshot directory
  • Describe how Snapshot technology allocates disk space for volumes and aggregates
  • Schedule Snapshot copies
  • Configure and manage the Snapshot copy reserveModule 13 Space ManagementList the storage efficiency techniques that are available within the Data ONTAP operating system
  • Identify the factors that impact space consumption in the Data ONTAP operating system
  • Describe how and when a volume consumes space from the aggregate that contains it
  • Explain how to guarantee writes for a file
  • Explain how the Data ONTAP operating system can provide space to a full volume
  • Identify the deduplication and compression techniques that are available in the Data ONTAP operating systemModule 14 High-AvailabilityDescribe high-availability (HA) solutions
  • Discuss how HA increases the reliability of storage
  • Define HA controller configuration
  • Describe the three modes of HA operation with an HA pair
  • Analyze how HA affects clients protocols during failover and giveback operationsModule 15 Virtualization SolutionsDescribe how to virtualize a storage controller by using MultiStore software
  • Configure MultiStore software
  • Assign client protocols on MultiStore softwareModule 16 Backup and Recovery MethodsList the methods available to back up and recover data
  • Use ndmpcopy to process full and incremental data transfers
  • Discuss dump and restore
  • Describe, enable, and configure Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) on a storage systemModule 17 Data Collection ToolsUse the sysstat, stats, and statit commands
  • Describe the factors that affect RAID performance
  • Execute commands to collect data about write and read throughputs
  • Execute commands to verify the operation of hardware, software, and network components
  • Identify commands and options that are used to obtain configuration and statusModule 18 Data ONTAP UpgradesAccess the NetApp Support site for the following documents:
  • Data ONTAP Upgrade Guide
  • Data ONTAP Release Notes
  • Use a configuration worksheet to collect data for installation
  • Describe how to perform Data ONTAP software upgrades and reboots
  • Use the setup command to configure a storage systemLab Exercises
  • Lab 1-1 Identify the exercise environment
  • Lab 1-2 Explore the NetApp support site
  • Lab 2-1 Explain how the Data ONTAP operating system writes data
  • Lab 2-2 Explain how the Data ONTAP operating system reads data
  • Lab 3-1 Log in to the exercise environment
  • Lab 3-2 Install System Manager
  • Lab 3-3 Add a storage system to NetApp System Manager
  • Lab 3-4 Use the CLI to access a storage system
  • Lab 3-5 Explore the Help command and privilege levels
  • Lab 3-6 List the options on a storage system
  • Lab 3-7 From the CLI, examine the system configuration of a storage system
  • Lab 3-8 Use NetApp System Manager to configure DNS
  • Lab 3-9 Use system manager to configure the AutoSupport tool
  • Lab 4-1 Exploring the current disk configuration
  • Lab 4-2 Understand the impact of disk scrub on a storage system
  • Lab 4-3 Run the storage configuration wizard
  • Lab 4-4 Use NetApp system manager to create a 64-bit aggregate
  • Lab 4-5 Use the CLI to create a 64-bit aggregate
  • Lab 4-6 Use the CLI to create a 32-bit aggregate and upgrade to 64-bit
  • Lab 4-7 Cause a disk to fail
  • Lab 4-8 Add disks to an aggregate
  • Lab 5-1 Use system manager to create a volume
  • Lab 5-2 Resize a volume
  • Lab 5-3 Delete a volume
  • Lab 5-4 Create qtrees
  • Lab 5-5 Delete qtrees
  • Lab 6-1 Create an administrative user account
  • Lab 6-2 Use the CLI to configure administrative security
  • Lab 6-3 Log in with a new user account
  • Lab 7-1 Use the System Manager to configure network settings
  • Lab 7-2 Use the CLI to configuration network settings
  • Lab 7-3 Use the CLI to create a single-mode interface group
  • Lab 7-4 Use the CLI to create a multimode interface group
  • Lab 8-1 Use NetApp System Manager to license NFS
  • Lab 8-2 Use NetApp System Manager to export a volume
  • Lab 8-3 Use the CLI to export a volume
  • Lab 8-4 Mount exports from an administration host
  • Lab 9-1 Use NetApp System Manager to license CIFS service
  • Lab 9-2 Use NetApp System Manager to configure CIFS service
  • Lab 9-3 Create a window domain user
  • Lab 9-4 Use the CLI and NetApp System Manager to view and create shares
  • Lab 9-5 Create a new share with computer management
  • Lab 9-6 Map shares to drive letters
  • Lab 9-7 Modify user permissions
  • Lab 9-8 Display CIFS sessions
  • Lab 9-9 Configure SMB 2.0 protocol
  • Lab 9-10 Terminate CIFS sessions
  • Lab 10-1 Create and manage quotas
  • Lab 10-2 Create a quota report
  • Lab 10-3 Modify the /etc/quotas file and implement quota changes
  • Lab 10-4 Use the CLI to create qtrees and quotas for the qtrees
  • Lab 10-5 Create a native file-blocking policy
  • Lab 11-1 License and start the iSCSI service
  • Lab 11-2 Configure iSCSI on Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Lab 11-3 Use NetApp System Manager to create a LUN
  • Lab 11-4 Use the CLI to create a LUN
  • Lab 11-5 Access LUNs from Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Lab 11-6 Nondistributively move a volume that contains a LUN
  • Lab 12-1 Use NetApp system manager to create a SnapShot copy
  • Lab 12-2 Restore a windows file from a SnapShot copy
  • Lab 12-3 Restore a Linux file from a SnapShot copy
  • Lab 12-4 Use NetApp system manager to manage SnapShot copies
  • Lab 12-5 Restore a file by using the windows previous version tool
  • Lab 12-6 License and configure SnapRestore technology
  • Lab 12-7 Revert a volume using SnapRestore technology to restore a volume
  • Lab 12-8 Use SnapRestore technology to restore a file
  • Lab 13-1 Explore volume space consumption
  • Lab 13-2 Explore file space consumption
  • Lab 13-3 Configure deduplication
  • Lab 15-1 Create two MultiStore systems with separate IP aliases
  • Lab 15-2 Create a CIFS share on a MultiStore system
  • Lab 15-3 Create an iSCSI LUN on a MultiStore system
  • Lab 16-1 Copy a volume by using the NDMPCOPY command
  • Lab 17-1 Identify the commands that you can use to troubleshoot and solve problems
  • Lab 17-2 Run the statit command on a storage system
  • Lab 17-3 Run the stats command on a storage system