When does class start/end?
Classes begin promptly at 9:00 am, and typically end at 5:00 pm.
PCI DSS is a mandatory security standard for all organizations working with systems that handle credit cards. To prevent any breach, developers must follow secure coding guidelines and apply the...
Read MorePCI DSS is a mandatory security standard for all organizations working with systems that handle credit cards. To prevent any breach, developers must follow secure coding guidelines and apply the latest best practices.
This Web Application Security Testing for PCI DSS training course teaches attendees the common web application security issues, including those outlined in the OWASP Top Ten. Students learn how to identify core programming issues and security pitfalls of the Java language and framework. In addition, participants learn about JSON testing and security testing techniques and tools. References to A1, A2, etc. in the outline reference specific vulnerabilities in the OWASP Top 10.
To ensure ample one-on-one engagement with the instructor, this class is capped at 12 people, overriding Accelebrate’s default cap of 15.
Note: This 3-day course can be split into 1 day + 2 days. Day 1 is a broad overview intended for managers and staff. Days 2 and 3 cover the technical aspects of implementing secure code and are intended for developers. PCI DSS requirements mandate the annual training of staff. Your organization may take Day 1 during the first year, and then days 2 and 3 the next year, fulfilling the formal compliance requirement for both years with a single course.
This intended audience for this security course is managers and developers working on Web applications in finance. Students must have general web application development and testing experience.
All Secure Coding training attendees receive comprehensive courseware.
Attendees will not need to install any software on their computers for this class. The class will be conducted in a remote environment that Accelebrate will provide; students will only need a local computer with a web browser and a stable Internet connection. Any recent version of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome will work well.