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Universe Designer XI 3.0: Advanced Universe Design

Skills Gained This two-day instructor-led advanced course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and in-depth knowledge needed to design universes in BusinessObjects Universe Designer. The...

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$1,340 USD GSA  $1,215.11
Course Code BOU320-v083
Duration 2 days
Available Formats Classroom

Skills Gained

  • This two-day instructor-led advanced course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and in-depth knowledge needed to design universes in BusinessObjects Universe Designer.
  • The business benefit of this course is that you will learn best- practice methodology for creating universes that respond to your reporting requirements.
  • Through well-designed universes, report designers and business users will be able to create reports without having to know anything about the underlying data source or structure.

Who Can Benefit

  • The target audience for this course is anyone responsible for creating and designing universes using a BusinessObjects Enterprise XI R2 or XI 3.0 environment.
  • The learners who attend the course will be most successful if they have experience in working with Business Objects Universe Designer.


  • Prerequisite Education
       -BusinessObjects XI R2: Universe Design and/or BusinessObjects XI 3.0: Universe Design
       -BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI R2: Report Design, and/or BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI R2 3.0: Report Design
  • Prerequisite Knowledge/Experience (To be successful, you must have working knowledge of:)
       -SQL and relational database management systems concepts and structures
       -Familiarity with the metadata and logical structure of the databases in your organization
       -Familiarity with BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report building
       -Familiarity with using BusinessObjects Universe Designer
       -Familiarity with the BusinessObjects Central Management Console

Course Details

Course Content

  • Reviewing Universe Design Concepts
       -Use your universe design and BusinessObjects Universe Designer knowledge to solve business problems
  • Working with Aggregate Awareness
       -Define aggregate awareness
       -Apply aggregate awareness to objects
  • Designing Advanced Objects
       -Combine database functions in objects
       -Construct relative date-time objects
       -Work with analytic functions
  • Creating Complex Predefined Conditions, LOVs, and Joins
       -Create complex predefined conditions
       -Work with advanced LOVs
       -Work with advanced join syntaxes
  • Securing Universes
       -Define connection and user credential parameters
       -Work with Central Management Server (CMS) universe security
  • Implementing Universe Life Cycle Management
       -Move content from development to production
  • Maintaining and Optimizing Universes
       -Maintain universes
       -Optimize universes
       -Apply best practices for universe design
  • Creating Universes from Other Data Sources
       -Create a universe from an XML metadata file
       -Create stored procedure and JavaBeans universes
       -Work with OLAP universes


  • Additional Education
       -Not applicable for this offering.
  • Applicable Certification
       -This course is not applicable to any Business Objects Certified Professional programs