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Veritas Resiliency Platform 3.6: Administration

The Veritas Resiliency Platform 3.6: Administration course is designed for IT professionals tasked with designing, installing, configuring, integrating, and maintaining Veritas Resiliency Platform in...

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$4,500 USD GSA  $3,853.90
Course Code RP-ADMIN
Duration 5 days
Available Formats Classroom

The Veritas Resiliency Platform 3.6: Administration course is designed for IT professionals tasked with designing, installing, configuring, integrating, and maintaining Veritas Resiliency Platform in multiple Enterprise data centers and multi-cloud environments. This course covers the deployment and implementation of Veritas Resiliency Platform. You learn how to create and deploy Veritas Resiliency Platform components. Additionally, you learn how to integrate Veritas Resiliency Platform with NetBackup, InfoScale, and how to use AWS, vCloud, and Azure as Veritas Resiliency Platform disaster recovery targets. The course also covers how to use Resiliency Platform APIs.

Skills Gained

By the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Deploy Veritas Resiliency Platform and Data Mover gateways.
  • Create and configure Infrastructure Management Servers, Resiliency Managers, Resiliency Domains, and Resiliency Groups.
  • Performing VRP upgrades.
  • Configure authentication domains, users, and groups.
  • Activate, manage, and apply service objectives.
  • Integrate NetBackup in Veritas Resiliency Platform.
  • Configure and restore virtual machines from NetBackup generated backup images.
  • Configure replication of Hyper-V and VMware VMs.
  • Perform disaster recovery of VMs and applications and rehearsals to test disaster recovery.
  • Configure and manage Virtual Business Services and resiliency plans.
  • Use AWS, vCloud, and Azure as disaster recovery targets.
  • Perform troubleshooting tasks using logs and tools.

Who Can Benefit

This course is for Windows and UNIX/Linux system architects, system administrators, system engineers, technical support personnel, network/SAN administrators, and systems integration/development staff who will be designing, installing, operating, and integrating Veritas Resiliency Platform.


You must have working knowledge of data center operations, storage replication technologies, disaster recovery operations, virtualization technologies, cloud technologies, and Linux and Windows operating systems.

Course Details

Course Outline


  • Overview of VRP


  • VRP components and architecture

Virtual Appliance Deployment

  • Deploying virtual appliances
  • Bootstrapping virtual appliances
  • KLISH menu
  • Exercise A: Bootstrapping the Resiliency Manager virtual appliance
  • Exercise B: Bootstrapping the Infrastructure Management Server virtual appliance

VRP Basic Configuration

  • Getting Started Wizard
  • Adding IMS
  • VRP console
  • Exercise A: Creating a resiliency domain
  • Exercise B: Joining an existing resiliency domain
  • Exercise C: Adding IMS servers

VRP Upgrades

  • Upgrade overview
  • Upgrading Resiliency Platform

Licensing and Identity Management

  • Licensing
  • Identity management
  • Exercise A: Configuring the Active Directory domain in VRP
  • Exercise B: Creating a custom persona
  • Exercise C: Assigning a persona to an Active Directory user
  • Exercise D: Adding a Windows Global User

VRP Concepts

  • Host assets
  • Service objectives
  • Exercise A: Getting familiar with the VRP web user interface
  • Exercise B: Managing datacenters
  • Exercise C: Activating and deleting a service objective

InfoScale – VCS Support

  • Support for InfoScale applications
  • Managing InfoScale assets
  • Exercise A: Verifying the InfoScale global cluster environment with replication
  • Exercise B: Adding InfoScale cluster to VRP

VRP Data Mover

  • Introducing VRP Data Mover
  • Deploying VRP Data Mover
  • Exercise A: Verifying the VMware vSphere environment
  • Exercise B: Adding vCenter servers in VRP
  • Exercise C: Bootstrapping the VRP data mover appliances
  • Exercise D: Creating Continuous Data Protection (CDP) storage
  • Exercise E: Adding the VRP data mover appliances to the IMS servers
  • Exercise F: Creating a replication appliance gateway pair
  • Exercise G: Verifying the installation of the Veritas Replication vSphere Installation Bundle (VIB)

NetBackup Integration

  • NetBackup Support
  • Configuring RG with NBU VMs
  • Restoring NBU VMs
  • Cloud Recovery with NetBackup
  • Exercise A: Verifying and configuring prerequisites for remote recovery using NetBackup images
  • Exercise B: Performing and monitoring backup, replication, and import jobs
  • Exercise C: Adding NetBackup master servers in VRP
  • Exercise D: Creating a NetBackup master server pair in VRP

Network and DNS Customization

  • Managing networks
  • NAT support in VRP
  • DNS customization
  • Exercise A: Configuring network mappings in the New York datacenter
  • Exercise B: Configuring network mappings in the London datacenter
  • Exercise C: Configuring network mapping between datacenters
  • Exercise D: Configuring DNS server settings for datacenters

Replication Support

  • Supported replication technology
  • Configuring replication for Hyper-V and VMware Labs:
  • Exercise A: Creating a resiliency group using InfoScale clustering technology
  • Exercise B: Creating resiliency groups using VRP data mover
  • Exercise C: Creating resiliency groups using NetBackup as the copy technology
  • Exercise D: Creating an unprotected resiliency group

Rehearsal Support

  • Virtual machine rehearsal
  • Application rehearsal
  • Cleanup Rehearsal operation
  • Exercise A: Stopping and starting a resiliency group
  • Exercise B: Performing a Rehearsal and Cleanup Rehearsal with VMware and VRP Data Mover
  • Exercise C: Performing a Rehearsal and Cleanup Rehearsal with VMware and NetBackup
  • Exercise D: Performing a Rehearsal and Cleanup Rehearsal for InfoScale applications

Application SDK and APIs

  • Using the Application Enablement SDK
  • Using Resiliency Platform APIs
  • Exercise A: Configuring access to Resiliency Platform APIs
  • Exercise B: Using the Resiliency Platform APIs

Recovery Automation

  • Managing virtual machines
  • Migrate operation
  • Takeover and Resync operations
  • Managing applications
  • Exercise A: Migrating applications managed by InfoScale
  • Exercise B: Migrating VMware virtual machines using VRP Data Mover
  • Exercise C: Performing a restore with VMware and NetBackup

Virtual Business Services

  • VBS concepts
  • Managing VBS
  • Exercise A: Creating a Virtual Business Service
  • Exercise B: Stopping and starting a Virtual Business Service
  • Exercise C: Migrating a Virtual Business Service

Evacuation and Resiliency Plans

  • Evacuate assets
  • Resiliency plans
  • Exercise A: Creating a resiliency plan
  • Exercise B: Scheduling and executing a resiliency plan
  • Exercise C: Generating evacuation plans
  • Exercise D: Evacuating assets

Cloud Integration

  • Support for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • AWS Data Gateway
  • Configuring RG for AWS recovery
  • Support for VMware vCloud Director
  • Configuring RG for vCloud recovery
  • Support for Microsoft Azure and AzureStack
  • Configuring RG for Azure recovery

VRP Settings

  • Reports
  • Alerts and notifications
  • Activities and Logs
  • Risks
  • Exercise A: Running manual reports
  • Exercise B: Scheduling reports
  • Exercise C: Configuring notification rules
  • Exercise D: Reviewing activities and logs
  • Exercise E: Viewing and probing risks

Tools and Diagnostics

  • Gathering support logs using the VRP console
  • Gathering support logs using loggather
  • Diagnostics
  • Exercise A: Gathering and downloading logs using the VRP web user interface
  • Exercise B: Gathering and downloading logs using the log collection utility