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VMware Aria Automation: Advanced Topics [V8.14]

This five-day course is a follow-on to the VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage course. During this course, you will take a deeper dive into advanced topics using features of VMware...

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Course Code EDU-VAAAT814
Duration 5 days
Available Formats Classroom

This five-day course is a follow-on to the VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage course. During this course, you will take a deeper dive into advanced topics using features of VMware Aria Automation such as deploying user systems and interfacing Aria Automation with other platforms. You will also learn how to deploy a cluster environment using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle and interface with, and use, vSphere with Tanzu Kubernetes. This course makes heavy use of hands-on labs.

Skills Gained

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Describe and configure VMware Aria Automation in a clustered enterprise deployment using with VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
  • Scale out VMware Identity Manager to support High Availability
  • Use external Certificate Authorities to configure security certificates in VMware Aria Automation
  • Create YAML templates to configure VMware Aria Automation using cloudConfig
  • Use VMware Aria Automation advanced templates to deploy a 2-tier Database-Server using MySQL and phpMyAdmin
  • Use Advanced VMware NSX networking features including NAT, routed networks, load balancers, security groups, and tags
  • Integrate and use NSX Advanced Load Balancer with VMware Aria Automation and VMware NSX
  • Create and use Aria Automation Pipelines to deploy software and connect to Kuberenetes
  • Create and use Ansible playbooks that integrate with VMware Aria Automation
  • Integrate Aria Automation with Terraform • Integrate Aria Automation with GitLab
  • Create Orchestrator Workflows and ABX Actions that interface with other systems and use REST calls
  • Configure and use Orchestrator Workflows and ABX actions to create day-2 actions and interface with Powershell scripts
  • Use Aria Automation to deploy minions and deploy software

Who Can Benefit

  • Experienced system administrators and system integrators responsible for using VMware Aria Automation in advanced configurations in enterprise deployments


This course requires completion of the following courses:

  • VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage [v8.10]