As you see it, what is the biggest advantage of Microsoft Azure?
Tarik Rukab: As I see it, what I like best about Microsoft Azure would be Azure Active Directory. It is a centralized cloud-based Identity Access Management solution that offers several features that are ideal for hybrid or cloud only environments, whether small companies right up to fortune 100 companies. It has great features, such as Privileged Identity Management, and it has role-based access control, it has Azure policy. We have identity protection and multi-factor authentication, single sign on for Software-as-a-Service, and custom apps that we may develop. And there are so many other great features. These just happen to be a few of my favorites, and I do feel that Azure Active Directory does kind of stand just a step above some of the other identity management solutions that are offered with various cloud providers.
What is the learning curve like for Azure compared to other technologies?
Tarik Rukab: As far as the learning curve for Azure compared to some of the other cloud technologies out there, I feel that Microsoft offers so many resources for us to learn. We have Microsoft Learn, we have labs available on Git Hub, and Azure has a very user-friendly portal in my opinion. However, there's various ways to administer Azure and it's ideal for everyone, whether it's portal that you would want to use, whether it's command line, whether it's power shell, whether it's some of the Linux commands as well. It offers great tools and various ways to administer. And as far as learning it, I feel it's right there with any other cloud provider. However, I think some of the certifications could be a little bit tougher, at least from my understanding as far as AWS and the Azure certification world. But as far as learning, I think it's comparable to any other cloud. And once again, a very, very friendly user interface.
What do you like most about teaching Microsoft Azure courses?
Tarik Rukab: What I like teaching most about Azure is one: I actually believe in the product very much. I also have a passion for teaching and a passion for people learning the product as well. And when I see students in my class, when they learn something that they've been trying to achieve for quite some time and I see their eyes light up with that ah-ha moment, I find that's so rewarding. Again, I'm very passionate about it and believe in the product. So when you believe in something and you want to teach and people want to learn, there's really nothing better. You know, it's a great setup, it's a great environment, and we try to promote that. And we also try to have discussions and learn from other people in class as well.