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Alexandra Kenney: Okay, for those just starting to join we're going to kick it off in a couple of minutes so we'll just let a few more attendees jump on thanks.
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Alexandra Kenney: Everyone will just give it another minutes, but a few more people join and then we'll get started.
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Alexandra Kenney: Everyone we're going to get started now so hello, and welcome to today's webinar it's titled getting started with red hat open shift service on aws and red hat training.
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Alexandra Kenney: My name is Alexandra i'll be your MC for the next hour and thank you for joining the conversation.
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Alexandra Kenney: So before we get started let's cover the webinar functionalities so during the webinar everyone's microphones will be muted, but we want this to be an open discussion so if you have any questions.
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Alexandra Kenney: Please enter them in the q&a or chat window at the bottom of your screen there'll be a dedicated question and answer session after the presentation.
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Alexandra Kenney: So today's webinar is being recorded and a copy of the session will be sent to all registrants at the end of the week.
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Alexandra Kenney: today's speaker is john Walter solutions architect training and certification at red hat.
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Alexandra Kenney: john is a solutions architect for the red hat training and certification team specializing in cloud and devops technologies he's a red hat certified architect with deep knowledge of the red hat enterprise Linux and simple automation and the open shift container platform.
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Alexandra Kenney: So you might ask yourself why choose exit certified, for your red hat training so professionals like you have been training with us since 2001.
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Alexandra Kenney: You want to know your training provider has the credibility to earn your organization's trust and access certified delivers.
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Alexandra Kenney: We offer vendor approved it, training, which is our only business when you train in our facilities you'll find well.
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Alexandra Kenney: equipped classrooms and friendly staff who are dedicated to making your learning experience comfortable and productive.
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Alexandra Kenney: And when you train remotely with our im VP virtual platform you'll see that our investment in technology makes online learning every bit as engaging as taking training and person.
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Alexandra Kenney: So if you have any questions about why you should take red hat red hat training course with exit certified or which courses right for you contact us at the URL on this slide okay so let's get started.
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John Walter: All right, well, thank you for that warm introduction again i'm john Walter solutions architect for the training, certification team here at red hat i've been at.
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John Walter: Red hat for about six years now, and a few different roles, but within the last three years.
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John Walter: Covering our training and certification team and I apologize, it sounds like there's an ambulance specified by my house, so the the joys of working from home.
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John Walter: So today we're going to be talking about red hat open shift service on aws and a couple of the other manage open shift and and self managed open shift offerings that are available, as well as how you can get started red hat training.
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John Walter: If you're not familiar with open shift or with Cooper 90s, will give kind of a brief introduction to that you know why a lot of organizations are starting to move towards.
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John Walter: A Community platforms like open shift will talk a lot about you know different ways that open shift.
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John Walter: works with aws obviously pretty much the largest cloud platform out there and then towards the end we'll talk a little bit about ways that you can get started actually.
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John Walter: working towards training and certifying on open shift, we will have time for questions at the end so make sure if you do have questions throughout you're dropping them in that Q amp a.
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John Walter: portion within zoom and we'll be able to address those towards the end so without further ado let's get started.
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John Walter: really like I said we're going to start really kind of setting the stage on what open shift is and really if you're familiar with Cooper daddy's but you're not familiar with open shift.
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John Walter: Open shift is really a smarter Cooper nettie platform built for the enterprise, you know, we know that.
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John Walter: And what we hear from customers, you know around the world, is that you know their ability to create value for their end customers, whether that be internal customers, you know health employees or their actual external customers.
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John Walter: And all depends on their ability to deliver their applications more quickly, efficiently.
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John Walter: To be able to scale and containers and Cooper nettie is really fundamentally enables devops devops adoption is really skyrocketed with the proliferation of container technologies.
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John Walter: microservices cloud native application development, all of these things have been really enabled based on on containerization and really Cooper nettie says container orchestration and.
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John Walter: And red hat certainly believes that you know open shift is the best platform to deliver these applications across a hybrid cloud.
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John Walter: Now Cooper nettie is on its own is a really fantastic tool for container orchestration but I wouldn't call it a complete solution it's not really built for the enterprise.
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John Walter: You know what it does, really, really well is container orchestration but what it doesn't do are a lot of other things right.
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John Walter: You know, installing Cooper 90s and playing around with it for many is is really not that big of an issue, I would say that you can download.
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John Walter: and install Cooper daddy's and have a cluster running you know, on your own hardware, really, really quickly probably about 15 minutes, quite honestly.
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John Walter: But getting it really ready for production to run those business critical applications for your enterprise takes a lot lot more right.
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John Walter: You know, there are a bunch of different things that need to be piece together and tested and harder and for operations.
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John Walter: And that's and that's again like a self managed communities installation we'll talk obviously about you know manage open shift and just a little bit.
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John Walter: But as an example, take identity management identity management is not a component built in natively to Cooper 90s so with Cooper nettie is you know you're providing a lot of access to you know critical internal systems.
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John Walter: Whether that's to your employees to your partners to your to your end customers.
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John Walter: And so you have to adhere to the security rules that you have established within your organization and the way to do that just in terms of identity management is to.
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John Walter: build an error right and integration between quran at ease and, whatever your company's you know approved l gap is.
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John Walter: In order to do that, you have to have knowledge of.
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John Walter: Something like dex dex is an open source identity system, you have to have knowledge of Cooper daddy's which obviously if you're just starting with Cooper 90s, you may not have.
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John Walter: And then obviously knowledge of the integration systems to your company's l dap.
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John Walter: you'll also need to have visibility into like logging things like that, so you need to hook up.
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John Walter: Something like previous and other Open Source monitoring and alerting tool.
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John Walter: so that you can have full visibility into your company's operations and testing and in production and that's just one piece right that's just identity management these things don't come.
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John Walter: You know, with vanilla Cooper daddy's out of the box now Cooper daddy's provides a lot of pluggable interfaces but you'll see on this slide.
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John Walter: This is a map of all the cloud native components that you need to choose from in order to run like an enterprise grade Cooper nettie use and i'm not sure that you can see my cursor but.
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John Walter: here on the left side in this orchestration and management side that's where Cooper nettie sleeves and there are components of Cooper nettie is that are included, like at CD is a component of Cooper nettie.
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John Walter: cryo the container runtime to actually run these containers as a part of Cooper daddy's as well, but you know I mentioned.
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John Walter: Identity management as a piece, what about you know continuous integration and delivery tools, what about security, what about storage all of these are different components that.
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John Walter: have to be integrated into a vanilla Cooper natives platform in order to actually run within production.
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John Walter: i'll leave this on the screen just for a second, because I think this is one of the most fascinating things to look at if you're interested, this is just an interactive landscape, if you go to l dot cnc f.io.
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John Walter: You can actually take a look at this that the latest version of the map, I took this screenshot I believe.
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John Walter: Earlier or late last week, so this is probably pretty up to date, but really what you're seeing a cloud native computing foundation there the.
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John Walter: The Open Source governing body that's home to Cooper nettie.
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John Walter: This is essentially what their first project was red hat, other than Google, who is the main sponsor of Cooper 90s, is the is the largest contributor to.
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John Walter: The communities projects so red hat obviously has a lot of stake and a lot of knowledge in all of these different Open Source projects but but really to kind of drive home right vanilla Cooper nettie services they're they're not.
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John Walter: they're not things that you really should be focusing your time on that's why a lot of organizations are moving towards.
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John Walter: more of a Cooper nettie platform something like open shift or you know, obviously, a lot of the other vendors out there have their own kind of alternative to open shift but.
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John Walter: What you want out of the box is a platform that's built around Cooper nettie is as a service that includes all these other individual services right you don't want to have to.
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John Walter: upscale your team on containerization on Cooper nettie as well as integrating security and networking and storage and how are we going to store all of these container images.
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John Walter: In a in a public or private registry, how are we going to integrate ci CD tooling What about a service mesh you know all of these different things.
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John Walter: You can do on your own you know if you were running a.
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John Walter: Really small business, I always give the example of like my.
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John Walter: My dad is a real estate appraiser and so when he asked me to tell build them a website and he told me the features you needed to have need to be able to take payments you wanted to be able to have scheduling.
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John Walter: Obviously it's a web server itself, so you know Those are three different services that as kind of a project for myself, I just build this containers.
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John Walter: Now for myself, you know my dad I would say he's successful but in terms of his own successes just running a one man business, you know, he may have.
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John Walter: You know 10 or 15 or 20 clients at any given time that's something that is easy to manage across just a few different containers it doesn't really require.
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John Walter: All of these different services, you know i'm not pushing application commits every single day I don't really need a lot of visibility to what's going on.
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John Walter: So you know for me quote unquote enterprise it's it's really a very, very small scale, but obviously when you're working for you know, a larger organization, you may be running.
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John Walter: Thousands or 10s of thousands of applications simultaneously and each of these different pieces each of these different components these individual services.
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John Walter: are really, really critical for running and making this an enterprise grade platform and so that's really where open shift comes into play, and some of these other like enterprise grade Cooper 90s distributions.
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John Walter: Open shift really provides all these individual services are needed to make this platform, so that you don't have to focus on actually building the platform.
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John Walter: Now open shift out of the box, when we talk about open shift and we'll get into this in just a little bit, but we're really talking about a few different flavors of open shift.
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John Walter: Right now we're kind of looking at a self manage open shift, or what we call open shift container platform, this is where.
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John Walter: you're operating it yourself you're deploying it, you know, on on really any given infrastructure, maybe this is something that you want to have running.
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John Walter: Within on premise within your own data Center maybe it's something that you want to have running on you know multiple clouds, whether public or private.
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John Walter: And the way that you're able to interact and work with open shift across each of these different infrastructures is going to be the same.
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John Walter: The same kind of skill set you need, for you know initial deployment for ongoing operations.
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John Walter: All of those different components are going to be the same, no matter where you're deploying open shift but.
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John Walter: You know one thing that we have discovered, especially my time over the last few years is that.
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John Walter: There are a lot of organizations that are really lacking the skill set around communities, you know their developers are already starting to you know get spun up on building cloud native applications.
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John Walter: And they're starting to go through the efforts of containers containerizing or even breaking down some of their monolithic applications and building microservices.
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John Walter: But on the administration operations side you know they don't yet have the skill set and that's why they're turning to organizations like red hat to help train them or they're going out and buying you know folks that are coming equipped with that skill set.
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John Walter: These this can be costly right and that's where organizations are really starting to turn towards a managed solution where they can really rely on subject matter experts at red hat or at.
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John Walter: aws which we'll talk about in just a little bit to really get them started quickly, where they can really start delivering in that business value building out applications and just worrying about adapting to this platform, much more efficiently.
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John Walter: And to kind of drive the point home, you know we work with these different upstream communities, you know just like we have been for the last 25 plus years with Linux.
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John Walter: we're also contributing to all of these other upstream communities, if you think back to that slide with all the different Cooper nettie projects, you know we work with each of these communities, when they are.
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John Walter: You know, ready to make commitments commits on a specific version of our product, we then go through, we harden it we add you know security enhancements feature enhancements.
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John Walter: And then we bake that into our open shift and that's what we shipped to our customers and so you know we're providing you know service level agreements we're providing.
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John Walter: lifecycle management and with something like a managed solution we're providing even more and so we'll jump right into that now open shift native aws I think.
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John Walter: You know we'll talk about a few different ways that you know red hat and aws have partner together to provide open shift, both as a product or as a platform, and also as a service.
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John Walter: So to kind of take a step back before we really dive into you know what red hat open shift service on aws is I think it's important to provide a little bit of a.
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John Walter: background on really what open shift is right, so when we talk about open shift we're typically talking about open shift container platform, and this is.
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John Walter: You know, a platform for building and running running you know container based applications if virtual machines with that enterprise grade Cooper 90s right and what we're talking about is like you know accelerated innovation right, you know open shift, a lot of you know, provides.
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John Walter: or allows businesses to really innovate and iterate in shorter cycles so they're able to really deliver you know, rich or higher quality experiences to their internal and external users.
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John Walter: it's a flexible and comprehensive platform right, so it gives that comprehensive but flexible platform, it gives businesses the agility to execute on their.
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John Walter: You know, different strategies using infrastructure and frameworks and technologies that they choose right, so you know you have the flexibility to run open shift on really any infrastructure of your choosing because.
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John Walter: what's sitting on top of that is a container grade version of Linux, which is the standardized platform that's running across all the different infrastructure.
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John Walter: And again, you know it is built on Cooper 90s right and so you're able to build and operate applications with the confidence of knowing that underneath the hood is still Cooper 90s, although you know what we're providing On top of that, are you know ease of management.
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John Walter: Continuous security through the application lifecycle enterprise support back obviously by by years of experience that red hat has with container technologies Cooper nettie.
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John Walter: From you know, obviously, the largest open source organization in the world.
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John Walter: And we have a lot of that authority, as I mentioned before, because red hat is other than again Google, the main sponsor Cooper daddy's we are the largest contributing.
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John Walter: contributor to the Cooper daddy's project and a lot of other you know Linux and container and cloud native computing communities and projects.
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John Walter: And so, all this is really meant to you know allow our customers to adopt a really reliable secure core platform, you know standardizing on the right IT platforms.
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John Walter: You know, for.
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John Walter: You know the rest of your enterprise can help you avoid you know vendor or technology lock in or service disruption or cost escalation security breaches compliance issues you know we we've been working with a lot of our partners like aws like Microsoft, to provide a really stable platform.
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John Walter: And we've been working with every best for the last 510 years to provide rel as a service of consumable service within aws so that you can run.
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John Walter: Your your real servers across all kinds of different data centers and across the hybrid cloud red hat has been a major contributor and kind of LEADER with.
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John Walter: Making initiatives towards the hybrid cloud and open shift is certainly kind of the platform that we are you know really all in on as far as serving as that basis for these workloads running across a hybrid cloud.
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John Walter: Now what aws is providing you know, on the flip side is is a really high performance scalable and comprehensive cloud platform.
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John Walter: Availability being a huge piece of this race aws provides this this mesh of geographically dispersed availability zones and transit centers that ensure your reliability, without increasing latency, especially when we get into you know customer use cases like.
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John Walter: You know, providing their own cloud, we talked about like multi tenancy we talked about edge computing you know, making sure the applications are running as close to the edge as possible.
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John Walter: This is something that at the aws provides really out of the box that you know something like open shift.
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John Walter: is really you know tuned to run these applications, the edge, but at us makes it even easier with something like availability zones.
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John Walter: elasticity you know aws lets you adapt to changing demand by automatically provisioning and retire and resources as needed and and that comes in conjunction with a lot of the features that Cooper daddy's provides you know scalability Alaska elasticity elastic ability as an hour.
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John Walter: You know all of these are things that open shift as a platform provides but aws is able to really, really kind of fine tune and home.
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John Walter: agility right aws lets you run both existing and cloud based applications and integrate new technologies, quickly and easily.
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John Walter: And then security there's built in security features and more than 50 different compliance certifications and accreditations that allow you to protect your applications and environment, so what.
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John Walter: What open shift and aws can provide together a really all the you know benefits of open shift and having this you know vendor neutral scaling scalable platform running on you know the highest performing and scalable comprehensive cloud platform that's out there.
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John Walter: And so what we provide is really three different consumption models for open shift the first of which that we'll talk about actually start from the right and kind of work, our way to the left.
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John Walter: But we have obviously open shift container platform, and you can run open shift on top of aws in a self managed fashion, this means that you're.
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John Walter: You know, essentially buying a open shift from red hat.
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John Walter: And then yourself you're deploying it on to infrastructure that is within aws your administrating yourself you're relying on aws for the infrastructure piece, but you are managing open shift as a platform on its own.
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John Walter: And I would say that there are going to be use cases really for all three of these.
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John Walter: The big one, I would say, for open shift container platform it really depends on your use case.
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John Walter: I gave the example, a little bit early on, but maybe you are like a TELCO and you need to provide you need to build essentially your own public cloud that's going to be consumed by your customers and their workloads.
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John Walter: And so you want to probably have a lot more say in the actual ongoing operations of the Platform, you want to be able to customize the deployment, you probably having it run across multiple.
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John Walter: clusters on multiple maybe on multiple clouds you want to be able to have open shift running simultaneously.
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John Walter: You know, on bare metal within your own data Center but you also want to have it available on top of aws where you have more availability more scalability.
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John Walter: And and not be as rely on you know aws is a pricing model so that would be one example where maybe you would run a run a self managed.
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John Walter: Deployment of open shift, but still have that running on aws the second would be open shift dedicated and this is a fully managed by red hat on aws infrastructure.
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John Walter: you're buying you know your subscription through red hat, you have your infrastructure purchase through either red hat or aws.
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John Walter: But again now you're handing over the operations of the actual platform to.
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John Walter: To red hat right, you have essentially our site reliability engineers that are managing the services.
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John Walter: And really what you're doing from from your organization side is building the applications you're deploying the applications.
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John Walter: there's monitoring and charge back and show that capabilities that are built in the platform, but you aren't having to rely on you know your operations team to really carry the load.
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John Walter: When it comes to operating the platform.
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John Walter: The third piece here and, again, working from right to left so on the far left here is really kind of the meat and potatoes what we're going to be talking today.
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John Walter: about which is red hat open shift service on aws, this is a red hat and aws jointly managed and supported solution.
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John Walter: Access is through the aws console it's all invoiced as part of your aws bill.
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John Walter: And, and the actual ongoing or initial deployment and ongoing operations of the platform is handling both jointly.
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John Walter: By red hat and aws and so really you're kind of getting the best of both worlds when it comes to that you're able to build and deploy and manage.
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John Walter: Your applications with open shift running natively on aws it's fully managed again jointly supported.
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John Walter: The open shift piece is going to be completely supported throughout the lifecycle by red hat and it combines the power.
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John Walter: of open shift with obviously the industry's most comprehensive enterprise Cooper nettie platform and then the aws public cloud so.
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John Walter: You know, in these cases it the the fully managed aspect of this, I think, is really, really critical right you no longer have to worry about you know equipping your team around.
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John Walter: The installation or the monitoring or the management or the maintenance or upgrades right, you can take all this off your team's plate.
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John Walter: because all of that is performed by red hat srs and we're covering the complete stack including you know the control plane, the worker nodes any key services that are running.
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John Walter: So you can really kind of accelerate time to value, because not only are you getting management within.
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John Walter: The platform, but you're also getting managed application services so things like open shift API management with which will come as part of your open shifts description open shift streams, which is a essentially a derivative or Apache Kafka.
00:26:12.150 --> 00:26:25.740
John Walter: Red hat open shift data science if you're into are looking to get into like Ai or machine learning So these are all available as part of a subscription service on top of what you would get with open shift service on aws.
00:26:27.630 --> 00:26:36.540
John Walter: And really the goal here is to empower your developers to innovate, you know, we want to give your team, the focus and tools to accelerate the development process.
00:26:36.840 --> 00:26:50.880
John Walter: By leveraging you know familiar api's and existing open shift tools for deployment within aws all the pricing with Rosa is is Rosa again red hat open shift service on aws abbreviated ro SA.
00:26:51.930 --> 00:26:54.300
John Walter: All of this is, you know build by.
00:26:55.830 --> 00:27:02.400
John Walter: aws so it's as part of you know, potentially your already existing and potentially growing footprint with aws and.
00:27:02.790 --> 00:27:12.510
John Walter: And really it's it's leveraging kind of or I should say, maybe clearing the way for a path towards really hybrid cloud deployments Rosa it delivers this.
00:27:12.900 --> 00:27:20.910
John Walter: It delivers Cooper nettie is that most enterprises are already using on premise today, so you can start to really simplify.
00:27:21.570 --> 00:27:35.130
John Walter: The ability to shift your workloads to the aws public cloud as business needs dictate you know there's still may always be a need to have certain services running on Prem or potentially on a private cloud something like openstack but.
00:27:35.760 --> 00:27:39.390
John Walter: The more and more as you need to you know you can have more flexibility.
00:27:39.690 --> 00:27:48.240
John Walter: And again, all of these different deployment options are not only valid, but they work to really seamlessly build that hybrid cloud right and so.
00:27:48.540 --> 00:28:03.180
John Walter: Most of our customers when they start working with open shift, you know they're there on the far right, and maybe they're you know building an operating and managing an open shift cluster you know, on their own hardware, maybe they're doing it on.
00:28:04.650 --> 00:28:10.140
John Walter: Either aws or azure maybe the IBM cloud and has their needs start to grow.
00:28:10.920 --> 00:28:20.580
John Walter: You know, potentially certain workloads you want to push to something like Rosa where you know you know you have these business critical applications you're not really so worried about the underlying.
00:28:21.060 --> 00:28:29.010
John Walter: platform itself, you know you have certain workloads running on a platform that you want to manage, but these other workloads you're not so you're not so.
00:28:29.640 --> 00:28:39.090
John Walter: concerned with the underlying platform, and so you know, providing that that flexibility to really start to get started with hybrid cloud adoption.
00:28:41.460 --> 00:28:48.900
John Walter: So i'll talk a little bit about this again and this really just build on what we were talking about before, but these are the different deployment models.
00:28:49.860 --> 00:29:00.390
John Walter: Open shift dedicated open shift or Rossa really the key uses your organizations that want to alleviate themselves to the complexity and managing the environment and focus on their applications.
00:29:01.440 --> 00:29:09.150
John Walter: Not all workloads are going to be tuned for that you know, sometimes you still need to have a high degree of customization of the underlying platform.
00:29:09.450 --> 00:29:19.260
John Walter: Especially when it comes to things like multi tenancy you know, providing a platform for for specific use cases I know, like most telcos that I work with most.
00:29:20.100 --> 00:29:28.350
John Walter: Organizations within the banking industry, you know they're leveraging still open shift container platform and maybe they're running that on aws because they.
00:29:28.740 --> 00:29:38.940
John Walter: You know, are able to leverage aws and you know really kind of the best public cloud out there, one of the best public clouds out there, they need that customization they need to.
00:29:39.960 --> 00:29:52.110
John Walter: Maybe rip and replace certain key services that we've embedded into open shift, you know still under the hood with open shift is Cooper 90s and Cooper nettie still provides even our you know brand of.
00:29:52.380 --> 00:29:57.870
John Walter: or flavor of Cooper nettie is still provides all these pluggable interfaces and so you know i'll give.
00:29:58.140 --> 00:30:04.050
John Walter: One example, you know we work with pretty much all the large telcos in the world and a lot of them have.
00:30:04.350 --> 00:30:12.540
John Walter: Very specific needs for their workloads and so maybe you know the monitoring service that we've built and shipped with.
00:30:12.900 --> 00:30:17.970
John Walter: Open shift maybe it doesn't meet their needs, maybe they have some very highly tailored needs and so.
00:30:18.570 --> 00:30:25.860
John Walter: You know, one of the largest telcos that we work with is actually started to rip out certain components that we ship with Cooper 90s with open shift.
00:30:26.250 --> 00:30:38.760
John Walter: and build their own you know they have the subject matter experts in house that can do so, and so, for them, at least for those workloads that are leveraging you know things like five g things like edge use cases, you know they still have a need to.
00:30:39.420 --> 00:30:47.730
John Walter: manage themselves because they have these services that they're integrating themselves that are very, very key to their specific works workloads and use cases.
00:30:48.150 --> 00:30:53.340
John Walter: Whereas, maybe organizations who are just getting started with open shift just getting started with.
00:30:53.970 --> 00:31:03.180
John Walter: You know container based application development they don't maybe have the open shift experience or maybe they don't really have the need to have this kind of.
00:31:03.990 --> 00:31:12.990
John Walter: Highly customized deployment and so they're really able to leverage this consumption model as a service they're really able to leverage, you know leaning on.
00:31:13.290 --> 00:31:20.280
John Walter: aws and red hat to be their subject matter experts when it comes to the installation and ongoing management of the Platform.
00:31:20.940 --> 00:31:32.250
John Walter: And we can start to work with their development teams or their Dev OPS teams to understand cloud native application development and what kind of you know tooling already comes with this service.
00:31:32.610 --> 00:31:44.730
John Walter: That they can start to take advantage of you know, the the same you know development model lifecycle is going to be the same, no matter what your deployment model is you know, we still have a need to.
00:31:45.600 --> 00:31:53.880
John Walter: enable developers and development teams on how to get started containerized their applications, how does how to start addressing.
00:31:54.630 --> 00:32:05.190
John Walter: Building net new greenfield application development and really start to take take advantage of a lot of the you know key components and services that something like open shift provides.
00:32:07.590 --> 00:32:17.190
John Walter: So you know this kind of you know, builds on what those previous slides were saying right, you know if you take a look at these you know, based on the deployment model that's right for your organization.
00:32:17.940 --> 00:32:29.340
John Walter: Maybe you are looking to take advantage of service capabilities of red hat open shift well guess what all three of these deployment methods would provide that elasticity and ability for you, but.
00:32:29.970 --> 00:32:37.170
John Walter: You know, as you start to look at you know cloud native virtualization or deploying windows containers, or maybe you want to use a very specific version.
00:32:37.470 --> 00:32:49.350
John Walter: of open shift based on what your needs are you may want to build and manage in house, but as you start to look at in this Oh, I think I skipped a slide here there we go.
00:32:50.520 --> 00:32:59.640
John Walter: There we go as you start to look at you know, having a need for global availability or easy requirement with a consolidated billing program, especially if you have.
00:33:00.570 --> 00:33:12.720
John Walter: You know favorable relationship with aws and you want to be able to you know manage your platform, the same way you're managing all these other services, which is to say you don't want to manage these different services, you want to lean on.
00:33:13.230 --> 00:33:26.880
John Walter: Red hat and aws is experts to to really manage this for you, you know that's where open shift service on aws or open shift dedicated running on aws as a managed version of open shift really can can come into play.
00:33:27.930 --> 00:33:31.500
John Walter: And again, I would say the largest reason other than.
00:33:32.700 --> 00:33:37.500
John Walter: You know, wanting to have this kind of pays you go subscription model or wanting to have.
00:33:37.920 --> 00:33:45.570
John Walter: Procurement I would say the number one reason that I see some of our customers starting to adopt something like Rosa are that that.
00:33:45.840 --> 00:33:55.830
John Walter: third line item there you don't have the resources or maybe you don't have the skill set in place to maintain upgrade or secure open shift as a platform and that's really where.
00:33:57.330 --> 00:34:04.560
John Walter: You have to start looking at it more from like a cost analysis, you know cost benefit analysis standpoint, you know doesn't make sense to.
00:34:05.520 --> 00:34:17.040
John Walter: Especially based on the workloads that you have doesn't make sense to buy or rent you know whether that's you know professional services or going out and paying for training or.
00:34:17.550 --> 00:34:27.900
John Walter: around you know, for your operations teams are looking to hire people coming in with a skill set, and you know Cooper nettie is is you know I would say really skyrocketed adoption within the last five years or so, but.
00:34:28.590 --> 00:34:37.800
John Walter: Especially so within the last year or two, I know that when I first came in a red hat, we were still pretty much only having conversations around Linux.
00:34:38.490 --> 00:34:54.870
John Walter: We were having a lot of conversations around openstack you are private cloud platform open shift was still somewhat in its infancy, and now I would say I haven't gone a day in the last probably three years without having several conversations around open shift adoption.
00:34:56.400 --> 00:35:08.070
John Walter: Now, as we start to really cross into this focus on managed open shift, a lot of it is due to you know, having the flexibility to you know deploy and sort of you know, as I used to say I.
00:35:08.760 --> 00:35:16.410
John Walter: can't remember what the infomercial is, but you want to set it and forget it right, you want to be able to deploy a platform that is going to be completely managed and deployed.
00:35:17.550 --> 00:35:31.260
John Walter: By subject matter experts, so you don't have to really start to invest into that that that's, not to say that you know you can only go with one of these options, you know open shift is really meant to when you look at an open shift cluster.
00:35:32.430 --> 00:35:45.000
John Walter: You can have it set up, so you have all three of these in place and and the beauty of something like open shift we provide something called Advanced cluster management or what we call internally rack on red hat.
00:35:45.330 --> 00:35:56.550
John Walter: Advanced cluster manager rh acm and what that provides is really a single pane of glass, so you can get visibility into all of your you know disparate clusters and see and manage them all, from one place now.
00:35:57.060 --> 00:36:05.490
John Walter: Some of those you're really only getting visibility into because if they are a you know Russa deployed you don't really have a lot of.
00:36:05.850 --> 00:36:15.660
John Walter: of control on that on that cluster like you would with just your standard open shift container platform cluster but, having visibility having the ability to see.
00:36:16.260 --> 00:36:26.070
John Walter: You know what workloads are running where you know getting some kind of feedback, especially for your developers, you want to be able to get you know, in the moment feedback on how your applications are performing.
00:36:26.670 --> 00:36:34.830
John Walter: You know, especially across different changes the beauty, is that, because these applications are really kind of standardized.
00:36:35.550 --> 00:36:50.670
John Walter: And because the platform of which they're running on top of is also the same across, no matter what infrastructure deployment method your application should be running the same no matter if it's being deployed on top of Rossa, on top of CP on top of.
00:36:51.870 --> 00:37:02.490
John Walter: Open shift running on azure on top of the IBM cloud it shouldn't matter you're getting the same experience across the board, and the same kind of feedback from your applications across the board as well.
00:37:04.440 --> 00:37:12.870
John Walter: And apologies, it looks like I did skip a couple slides there, but you can see here a couple different you know examples for why you may still want to run open shift container platform.
00:37:13.620 --> 00:37:21.510
John Walter: You know, especially when you start to look at you know highly specialized workloads or, again, I mentioned you running a specific version of open shift.
00:37:21.870 --> 00:37:28.230
John Walter: deploying windows containers, is something that is a relatively new use case with an open shift, I want to say that.
00:37:28.860 --> 00:37:36.390
John Walter: For dot six or for about seven introduced the availability to running in deploying and managing windows containers within open shift.
00:37:37.380 --> 00:37:48.810
John Walter: We just released for dot nine which provides you know things like single node open ship deployments and all of those things can also be deployed, whether on open shift service on aws or on open shift container platform as well.
00:37:51.060 --> 00:37:59.580
John Walter: So you know, again with Rosa what you're getting is that full stack management expertise right so aws.
00:38:00.300 --> 00:38:05.370
John Walter: provides managed services throughout the entire stack so that's infrastructure application tools.
00:38:05.880 --> 00:38:14.550
John Walter: All without vendor lock in it provides you know our customers choice a consistent experience and the unified support that they need.
00:38:14.850 --> 00:38:24.120
John Walter: And then red hats and aws as expert sorry teams and again, these are hybrid teams right so it's not like you're going to read half from one piece in aws for another piece.
00:38:24.330 --> 00:38:30.240
John Walter: You know our teams are working together completely and so, you know as soon as you open a ticket for any kind of issue you're having.
00:38:30.510 --> 00:38:43.290
John Walter: You know you're working with an srt team that's across both organizations to deliver and support you're not only the control plane piece, but different integrated tools, whether they're coming from open shift or coming from aws.
00:38:43.710 --> 00:38:50.880
John Walter: And so you know, the inclusion of this team is really I would say the key benefit other than you know, being able to take advantage of.
00:38:51.330 --> 00:39:01.890
John Walter: You know what open shift and aws are really providing I would say, having that s3 team it really can't be undersold right it's a huge benefit to have this really ongoing expertise built into the service.
00:39:02.400 --> 00:39:10.380
John Walter: And, as you know your team's maturity with with open shift rose you're able to you know start looking at some of those other.
00:39:11.370 --> 00:39:23.970
John Walter: edge case deployments maybe you want to start to grow your self managed open shift footprint as well, and start to you know, on board certain workloads onto a self manage more customized version of open shift.
00:39:24.660 --> 00:39:36.330
John Walter: But all this is built to support open shift right, one of the largest benefits to using something like Rosa is is using open shift right so you're working alongside the open shift experts.
00:39:36.780 --> 00:39:39.090
John Walter: you're building your applications on.
00:39:39.720 --> 00:39:52.410
John Walter: The best build of Cooper nettie sits out there you're providing that powerful and flexible platform with a reliable and proactive managed service to make your life easier, so you know it really is a flexible and powerful.
00:39:52.890 --> 00:40:06.570
John Walter: engine that has things like integrated security all these different platform capabilities and a consistent user experience, no matter where it's actually being deployed and then again, you know consistent native experience across different clouds.
00:40:07.590 --> 00:40:21.690
John Walter: roses offered natively across clouds removing the vendor lock in offering the ability to more easily manage multiple clouds depending on the workload and what you know your teams are what your organization specific needs are it gives.
00:40:22.800 --> 00:40:36.450
John Walter: more of a choice and ease of use right so users can take advantage of the different aws features like native on demand billing consistent support management between red hat and aws.
00:40:37.560 --> 00:40:46.500
John Walter: expanded deployment regions, we talked about availability zones that's something that exists just within aws red hat or open shift provides.
00:40:48.780 --> 00:40:55.620
John Walter: You know the ability to create different data centers and locations, but aws then adds on availability zones to have even more.
00:40:57.030 --> 00:41:01.890
John Walter: availability to the different applications and workloads and even different clusters.
00:41:03.600 --> 00:41:16.680
John Walter: So you're really getting kind of that hybrid Cooper nettie platform that is cloud ready streamlined access to different aws services so things like.
00:41:17.370 --> 00:41:32.640
John Walter: The aws service broker integration aws operators so aws services are seamlessly provision and exposed directly through open shifts so developers can launch and deploy aws services without ever having to leave the open shift interface.
00:41:33.960 --> 00:41:42.180
John Walter: I mentioned this a few times already, but you know, having that consistency across environments applications and workloads behave the same across your entire.
00:41:42.750 --> 00:41:56.460
John Walter: life cycle so whether it's in your Dev or test or production environments and all of this can be you know self service right you don't have to have a developer open up a ticket with your operations team know they have the ability to self service, a lot of this themselves.
00:41:58.290 --> 00:42:01.770
John Walter: You know, having that unified experience you know I talked about that single pane of glass.
00:42:02.010 --> 00:42:09.000
John Walter: across these different hybrid clouds you know you know some of our customers are just deploying on to aws but you know some of.
00:42:09.240 --> 00:42:15.690
John Walter: Our more mature customers, they are deploying across multiple clouds maybe they're building their own cloud and deploying On top of that as well.
00:42:15.870 --> 00:42:26.490
John Walter: So, having that unified experience across the hybrid cloud, you know agile development Dev psych OPS methodologies, you know work both on Prem but also on aws.
00:42:27.120 --> 00:42:44.940
John Walter: And then flexible application deployment, you know deploying existing applications on cloud infrastructure to benefit more agility scalability elasticity and then being able to leverage the red hat and aws s3 teams to really get started with.
00:42:46.110 --> 00:42:48.480
John Walter: You know cloud native development and.
00:42:50.610 --> 00:42:53.010
John Walter: microservices development as well, so.
00:42:53.880 --> 00:43:00.630
John Walter: And then, finally, you know rapid development capabilities right automation self service capabilities, they allow developers just focus on building.
00:43:00.900 --> 00:43:04.740
John Walter: You know their products, instead of having them to manage commodity application components.
00:43:05.250 --> 00:43:19.980
John Walter: Really we're trying to streamline as much as we can, the development process and in some cases that sounds almost counter to you know devops where you know we have these you know hybrid cross functional teams, we also want to you know delineate.
00:43:20.760 --> 00:43:34.380
John Walter: What responsibilities belong to which teams right we don't want developers to have to worry about all these kind of operational pieces and we certainly don't want operations teams when it comes to a self managed open shift to have to worry about any kind of development requirements.
00:43:37.890 --> 00:43:46.560
John Walter: So before we get into kind of the training piece, I wanted to just recap, you know really what Rosa provides right it's installed and maintained by red hat.
00:43:47.490 --> 00:43:58.350
John Walter: it's red hat own or customer owned on the aws account the there's consumption, based on billing available i'm sorry consumption based billing available as well.
00:43:59.160 --> 00:44:04.020
John Walter: You get your choice of region node size availability zone distribution.
00:44:04.230 --> 00:44:15.480
John Walter: there's all kinds of integration, when you know I gave the example of authentication before so having all these kind of pluggable interfaces the same kind of you know services that you may already be using and leveraging with aws.
00:44:16.020 --> 00:44:21.810
John Walter: You know, integrated logging and metrics and again, you get visibility and all that in a central platform.
00:44:23.100 --> 00:44:36.150
John Walter: there's open shift cluster management, you know or rack them acm manage upgrades and patching so none of your teams have to worry about the actual ongoing maintenance or operations of the open shift platform.
00:44:36.990 --> 00:44:42.150
John Walter: there's vpn and vpc peering there's premium red hat support that's provided here.
00:44:43.080 --> 00:44:55.170
John Walter: And again we're blending red hat and aws is enterprise it knowledge and experience into Rossa right, so you know all of this is done by by the aws console you're getting.
00:44:55.770 --> 00:45:04.830
John Walter: All this is really built on the foundation of red hat enterprise Linux or technically I think its core os which is basically a container native immutable version of rel.
00:45:06.180 --> 00:45:10.560
John Walter: you're getting that you know unified billing so you're able to leverage your existing aws commitment.
00:45:11.040 --> 00:45:21.030
John Walter: you're still getting access and support from the Red hat side as well, but you're getting all this just in one single, unified bill, whereas with a manager or a self managed open shift you're really paying.
00:45:21.300 --> 00:45:34.260
John Walter: You know, red hat for the subscription side and paying aws for the consumption side so having all this in one neat tidy bill, the support side obviously key you know, having a team to be able to leverage that is both.
00:45:36.810 --> 00:45:43.800
John Walter: integrated into the platform, but also leverages subject matter experts from the Red hat team and the aws team.
00:45:44.910 --> 00:45:54.480
John Walter: And then, having been able to leverage all of those different aws cloud native services that we've mentioned before, all these into the platform, and what that really looks like.
00:45:55.680 --> 00:46:02.580
John Walter: This is what it looks like to run your own red hat open shift cluster and now that's, not to say that this isn't you know.
00:46:04.890 --> 00:46:16.140
John Walter: That this isn't isn't feasible right we have plenty of customers we're running open shift on aws infrastructure, this is just a really high level architecture diagrams and run open shift.
00:46:16.560 --> 00:46:25.320
John Walter: or open shift container platform again the self managed version on aws you can see that that really the only thing that's being.
00:46:26.610 --> 00:46:35.220
John Walter: managed by red hat and aws is just the support piece right you're having to worry about or manage all of the cluster management, the cluster creation.
00:46:35.820 --> 00:46:46.140
John Walter: The life cycle of the application from from development to the ongoing user management all of that is going to be up to the customer up to you to manage, whereas.
00:46:46.800 --> 00:46:56.850
John Walter: A fully managed cluster with Rosa you're really just worrying about you know user management project and quota management application lifecycle piece, everything else is going to be.
00:46:57.240 --> 00:47:14.430
John Walter: taken off of your plate, and then we aws and red hat have the economies of scale to make this happen, because we built both the underlying platform aws and then the platform sitting on top of that open shift, so it really is a.
00:47:16.410 --> 00:47:22.590
John Walter: really great way to you know, take a lot off of your team's plate, especially when it comes to.
00:47:23.730 --> 00:47:29.100
John Walter: A less mature organization that hasn't really started with a platform like open shift.
00:47:31.380 --> 00:47:36.930
Alexandra Kenney: john, I just wanted to jump in here we have about five more minutes until the question period we have some great questions coming in.
00:47:37.410 --> 00:47:39.930
John Walter: awesome awesome well, we are right, almost at the end.
00:47:40.950 --> 00:47:47.160
John Walter: What we're What this really just shows is kind of what managed open shift versus the Cooper nettie stack looks like.
00:47:48.000 --> 00:47:53.880
John Walter: really what we're looking at from a total cost of ownership perspective it's much cheaper.
00:47:54.870 --> 00:48:02.820
John Walter: For open shift managed service and again this can run on any of the of the public clouds you see there at the bottom, you know, specifically we're talking about aws here.
00:48:03.600 --> 00:48:07.920
John Walter: You know, do your internal resources have the time to dedicate to this right.
00:48:08.910 --> 00:48:15.840
John Walter: Would you rather have them on project specific to the growth of your business, you know in this example you're using like a really conservative estimate.
00:48:16.110 --> 00:48:27.690
John Walter: Of like a point five F T, but you can estimate, you know how many resources, you would need to support your business 24 seven so you know when when thinking about a managed versus a self managed open shift.
00:48:28.530 --> 00:48:35.310
John Walter: You have to consider the cost of purchase manage integrate secure your operational services things like monitoring logging.
00:48:35.550 --> 00:48:43.530
John Walter: metrics ci CD and those are all you know separate services that you'd have to find and manage keep up to date on your own Cooper 90s distribution.
00:48:43.710 --> 00:48:49.320
John Walter: Again with open shift, a lot of that is going to be provided, but you still have to have the subject matter experts in place.
00:48:50.040 --> 00:48:53.670
John Walter: To to monitor and to actually operate the platform.
00:48:54.420 --> 00:49:01.020
John Walter: So you know it's clear, obviously, vanilla Cooper 90s and building the integrations for all these is really unfeasible.
00:49:01.230 --> 00:49:13.200
John Walter: But even you know if you're just getting started you really have to start to look at you know all the different costs for operating and managing the platform versus something that's really provided on a managed version of open shift.
00:49:14.430 --> 00:49:15.840
John Walter: So how do you get started.
00:49:17.520 --> 00:49:26.580
John Walter: We do offer a lot of training around open shift now for a managed open shift you're really just going to be looking at this developer track.
00:49:27.060 --> 00:49:45.240
John Walter: And, and one of our higher level operations courses I mentioned before, that there are still things that you have to manage within Rosa but you're really shrinking down your your your responsibilities to just a couple components right, you know, putting in like role based access, controls.
00:49:46.500 --> 00:49:59.130
John Walter: You know, managing the application lifecycle the application piece is really where your team comes into play, whereas everything that's that's tied to the platform is going to be managed by aws and by red hat and conjunction and so.
00:49:59.400 --> 00:50:13.860
John Walter: You know, we do offer a introduction level course that that gets teams familiar with containerization that gets them, you know building containers understanding the relationship between Cooper nettie says container orchestration and open shift.
00:50:14.610 --> 00:50:19.200
John Walter: But all done that right side is our developer track and that's really where we help our.
00:50:19.680 --> 00:50:26.310
John Walter: Development team customers to really start working on containerizing their applications some more like brownfield development.
00:50:26.790 --> 00:50:32.460
John Walter: But then also introducing cloud native microservices development as well, and so we offer multiple courses around.
00:50:32.850 --> 00:50:44.040
John Walter: All these things that fall on the development side of the House to really get them started and and and you know throughout the lifecycle ongoing with building these applications.
00:50:44.760 --> 00:50:50.880
John Walter: For open shift now For those of you that may be interested in more of a self managed open shift side.
00:50:51.300 --> 00:50:59.970
John Walter: We do offer obviously that administration operations track around you know operating a production Cooper daddy's cluster that's really kind of your days you're a day one operations.
00:51:00.270 --> 00:51:10.470
John Walter: The open shift administration three core scaling communities deployments in the enterprise that's more of your day to operations, we get into know logging and metrics and get OPS workflows.
00:51:11.370 --> 00:51:19.050
John Walter: You know, some topics that are still going to be very, very relevant and interesting to those of you that may be working in a in a managed open shift as well.
00:51:19.410 --> 00:51:27.960
John Walter: And then we do offer a couple labs around installation different methods of installation across you know different clouds are bare metal on.
00:51:28.440 --> 00:51:31.770
John Walter: Something like V sphere, if you're looking to deploy on vmware.
00:51:32.400 --> 00:51:42.120
John Walter: And then For those of you that may be coming from open shift three migrated over to, for we do have a migration lab that walks you through the actual cluster migration, as well as.
00:51:42.930 --> 00:51:46.560
John Walter: The migration tool kit for the applications running on that cluster as well.
00:51:47.250 --> 00:51:51.930
John Walter: In addition to each of these different courses, I did see a question in there earlier around certification.
00:51:52.230 --> 00:52:00.750
John Walter: I can't speak to any of the pricing or anything like that, but we do offer certifications across all of these different use cases, whether it be.
00:52:01.200 --> 00:52:13.680
John Walter: At the container Cooper 90s level at you know, a open shift cluster management level, and obviously across multiple development courses as well we do offer certifications for each of those courses.
00:52:14.550 --> 00:52:22.770
John Walter: we do now have the ability to do remote certification as well, so if you're still in a location where maybe one of our testing centers hasn't opened yet.
00:52:23.220 --> 00:52:29.730
John Walter: You do have the flexibility to take that on your own hardware at home, no need to install anything you're actually just booting from a USB drive.
00:52:30.210 --> 00:52:39.660
John Walter: We provide an image for you that you boot into to you're able to take that from the comfort of your own home and with that i'll kick it back over to you, and then we can jump into the Q amp a.
00:52:40.200 --> 00:52:44.220
Alexandra Kenney: Fair and for everyone who attended this webinar we have an exclusive saving offer.
00:52:44.820 --> 00:52:57.180
Alexandra Kenney: You can save up to 15% off your next virtual or classroom course and 10% off on demand subscriptions and self paced courses, so if you go to our website, the URL is right there is a certified.com slash learn 21.
00:52:58.020 --> 00:53:03.660
Alexandra Kenney: Using the promo code learn 21 that's how you take advantage of these savings, if you register before November 30.
00:53:04.770 --> 00:53:16.950
Alexandra Kenney: So thank you all so much we had some great questions come in so we'll try to get through all of them, these last few minutes john the first one, I think it's why choose open shift and versus rancher.
00:53:17.850 --> 00:53:21.150
John Walter: yeah so you know it's really good question I would say it's a really.
00:53:23.040 --> 00:53:34.230
John Walter: i'm probably a more biased person to answer as well, I would say that rancher is a tool for managing Cooper daddy's clusters, whereas open shift is more of an actual Cooper daddy's distribution.
00:53:35.250 --> 00:53:45.030
John Walter: Obviously we so rancher is more like a like in house Cooper nettie something like Ek s or gk each one of those other kind of cloud hosted Cooper daddy's distributions.
00:53:45.450 --> 00:53:53.670
John Walter: ETS aka es are probably the big to whereas open shift is more of an actual Cooper nettie is distribution and can run all those different clouds.
00:53:54.690 --> 00:54:05.430
John Walter: I would say, open shift is more feature heavy and as much more to a much more of a customizable platform than rancher is going to be.
00:54:06.360 --> 00:54:18.900
John Walter: From a pricing perspective, I really couldn't say you know if there's going to be use cases where I believe ranch or maybe less expensive but I honestly I couldn't say but really it just comes down to.
00:54:20.550 --> 00:54:24.330
John Walter: One as a platform versus one is kind of a managed platform as well.
00:54:25.620 --> 00:54:32.220
Alexandra Kenney: Great next question once on open shift on Prem What would the cloud onboarding be should the movie done gradually.
00:54:33.420 --> 00:54:39.210
John Walter: yeah that's that's an interesting question, I think you know it really all depends on the.
00:54:40.290 --> 00:54:50.040
John Walter: On the workloads themselves right, so you know if you have open shift on Prem and you're wanting to move towards those workloads being on a cloud hosted.
00:54:50.730 --> 00:55:01.350
John Walter: version of open shift it's really easy to move those applications across the different data centers were from an on Prem data Center on the cloud right I mentioned.
00:55:02.460 --> 00:55:06.660
John Walter: You know that single pane of glass being able to have visibility to all these different clusters.
00:55:07.290 --> 00:55:17.280
John Walter: Usually I would say that the move should be done gradually, but the benefit of containerized workloads is there's a standardized format right and so no matter where.
00:55:18.270 --> 00:55:28.020
John Walter: Where your platform is actually located, no matter what the infrastructure is it standardizing on platform rel a real core os and then those containers themselves are standardized as well, so.
00:55:28.380 --> 00:55:39.270
John Walter: You know we're eliminating the kind of issue of you know it worked on my environment wise i'm working on yours by design it's meant to work, the same across both of those environments so in theory.
00:55:39.870 --> 00:55:51.990
John Walter: It shouldn't have to be a gradual change, in fact, we have a lot of customers now who are as they're migrating from open shift three to four they're also migrating infrastructure they're moving away from on Prem to one of these.
00:55:53.100 --> 00:56:02.940
John Walter: Either cloud hosted or cloud managed open shift flavors in doing so they're immediately migrating all their workloads from one to the other and and from a.
00:56:03.540 --> 00:56:08.790
John Walter: Experience standpoint, it should be identical right, so I don't think that there's a right or wrong answer to that.
00:56:09.330 --> 00:56:25.200
John Walter: i'm inclined to be a little more old school and and want to have kind of both running and existing simultaneously so that, especially on the development side, I can you start to see if there any kind of differences across the different platforms, but, in theory, there should not be a difference.
00:56:26.940 --> 00:56:27.270
00:56:28.380 --> 00:56:32.070
Alexandra Kenney: Is red hat offering open shift as a service or product.
00:56:32.100 --> 00:56:41.220
John Walter: To both both you know open shift container platform is open shift as a product in open shift that you're managing yourself, whereas open shift.
00:56:42.510 --> 00:56:51.990
John Walter: Rossa red hat open shift service on aws is really more a consumption based model or even open shift dedicated is really more of a service right, so it is.
00:56:52.530 --> 00:57:03.780
John Walter: Because we were taking the management of the Platform off of table for you, you know off of your workload, it really is more a consumption based model and you're really you know able to.
00:57:04.320 --> 00:57:12.660
John Walter: view open shift as a service, whereas open shift container platform, the differentiator there is that you're managing the platform yourself.
00:57:13.260 --> 00:57:24.870
John Walter: You know you're managing updates and the entire lifecycle from a platform perspective, and so you know you're you're, the answer is both it really just depends on on how you're deploying.
00:57:27.270 --> 00:57:38.160
Alexandra Kenney: Another person asks Could you also comment on the on the docker is not being and Kate support scope and should we continue to use docker as a service or on first.
00:57:38.970 --> 00:57:45.480
John Walter: Yes, so redhead has moved towards pod man as our container runtime.
00:57:46.530 --> 00:57:55.710
John Walter: pod man just offers a few features that docker didn't and, I believe, Dr starting to now, but things like rootless containers was it was a big feature of this.
00:57:56.070 --> 00:58:09.030
John Walter: From a experience standpoint from a command standpoint pod man and docker are are basically exactly the same in fact when we started to make this change, and this started really as a.
00:58:10.050 --> 00:58:12.960
John Walter: As a Linux container thing right, it was.
00:58:16.110 --> 00:58:19.620
John Walter: Containers running you know directly on rel as opposed to running on open shift.
00:58:19.920 --> 00:58:26.700
John Walter: When we started to integrate this change, I went into my batch RC just alias Dr department, so that I could still continue to run.
00:58:27.000 --> 00:58:32.130
John Walter: docker commands and they would just alias over to admin and again the command structure is exactly the same.
00:58:32.670 --> 00:58:40.710
John Walter: it's the same thing, like with Cooper nettie and open shift if you're if you're used to Cooper 90s and working with vanilla Cooper daddy's you're used to the cube cpl.
00:58:41.040 --> 00:58:50.340
John Walter: command tree structure and all those different options all those map over to open shift, so if you're using the open shift coi it's just oC exactly the same thing.
00:58:50.850 --> 00:59:00.450
John Walter: There are certain things that or I should say artifacts within open shift that are a little bit different than Cooper nettie or at least their name different things negative spaces, is one of them.
00:59:01.530 --> 00:59:04.080
John Walter: And, and so you know it.
00:59:05.130 --> 00:59:14.220
John Walter: I would say Cooper nettie still support stalker as far as i'm aware of red hat's enterprise Cooper 90s open shift that is is standardize on pod man now.
00:59:16.140 --> 00:59:19.890
Alexandra Kenney: The next question was in relation to slide 11 is it similar to Tara forum.
00:59:21.450 --> 00:59:23.310
John Walter: I would have to go back and look at what's.
00:59:23.760 --> 00:59:24.720
been said.
00:59:26.100 --> 00:59:31.290
Alexandra Kenney: we'll move on to the next one on Alaska city, who takes over open shift or aws.
00:59:32.520 --> 00:59:33.210
John Walter: Good question.
00:59:34.230 --> 00:59:51.420
John Walter: it's going with Rosa aws is is kind of taking over for a plasticity with obviously open shift container platform all of the services and features are managed or a component of open shift.
00:59:52.350 --> 01:00:04.620
John Walter: The platform itself is relatively unchanged it's that we're now integrating a lot of these other aws services within Rosa and providing that you have full lifecycle support from a product or from a platform standpoint so.
01:00:05.460 --> 01:00:11.460
John Walter: It I think is going to depend on the context, but it really also is going to depend on the deployment model.
01:00:13.230 --> 01:00:18.990
Alexandra Kenney: Does open shift only support aws or doesn't support other cloud vendors like tcp is or cloud.
01:00:19.650 --> 01:00:22.650
John Walter: So yeah I mentioned this on one of the slides but.
01:00:23.700 --> 01:00:28.080
John Walter: pretty much all the public clouds support open shift Rosa is a specific.
01:00:28.530 --> 01:00:36.870
John Walter: managed a version of open shift that runs on aws and then there's also open shift on aws which is as a self managed version of open shift that.
01:00:37.140 --> 01:00:46.590
John Walter: Are not version of open shift but it's just the case of deploying open shift on aws there are other managed versions of open shift that run on the other, clouds so there's.
01:00:48.300 --> 01:00:58.140
John Walter: rh Oh, I see row row IQ which is red hat open shift on the IBM cloud that's advantaged version of open shift on the IBM cloud.
01:00:58.890 --> 01:01:12.420
John Walter: You can also deploy open shift on the Google cloud there's open shift on azure cloud there's also as your red hat open shift, which is again a managed version of open shift on the azure cloud so.
01:01:12.840 --> 01:01:26.850
John Walter: All the major cloud vendors and then you can also deploy on something like openstack which is red hat's cloud platform, so if you wanted to run it on a private cloud that you're managing yourself, you would have that that ability to do so as well.
01:01:28.260 --> 01:01:32.880
John Walter: And then I think that there was a follow up around like the difference between open shift from something like gk II.
01:01:33.090 --> 01:01:34.380
John Walter: That ties back to that that.
01:01:34.380 --> 01:01:42.060
John Walter: Question around kind of rancher as well that you know, one of them is more like Cooper nettie says service, whereas open shift is more a platform.
01:01:43.590 --> 01:01:55.500
John Walter: You know, obviously you're getting a lot of the same benefits, but I think that the use cases are going to be slightly different were open shift is a fully featured platform versus versus.
01:01:57.030 --> 01:02:04.980
John Walter: Being able to just have you know, like a rancher or like a gk E or aka es or an e ks where you really just want Cooper nettie so as a service running.
01:02:05.310 --> 01:02:19.380
John Walter: And then you're integrating you know something like gk TV with a lot of the other Google components for like things like ci CD and and security and monitoring logging, whereas open shift has all those features just built in under the hood.
01:02:20.640 --> 01:02:35.250
Alexandra Kenney: Excellent there were a few more questions we're not going to be able to get to, but we will follow up with the individuals who did ask those questions, so thank you, thank you to the red hat team john for an excellent presentation and for everyone for joining today Thank you so much.
01:02:43.050 --> 01:02:44.040
Alexandra Kenney: Thanks.