hi everybody welcome thank you for coming on in we'll start here in just a moment so if you're here for the powerbi co-pilot webinar you are in the right place and we're so happy that you're here glad to see you um it's great to see some familiar names and some new faces and I'm here with the with my colleague sahim Javid who will be presenting today and we really appreciate that you're spending this hour with us we know you have a lot of things going on all right we're going to go ahead and get started here in just a moment um but fem and I would like to welcome you on behalf of excel instructor-led training um just in case you didn't know we are celbrate exit certified and web age Solutions and together we have over 60 years of training experience and this is great news for you because we can pull all of our resour to truly service the entire life cycle of your employee Technical Training um and just to let you know a little bit about us we do work together as a team we have a couple little nuances celbrate offers customize courses for teams we teach data science python data visualization and a lot more exit certified looks at the vendor authorized certification courses so if you're looking to be certified in VMware IBM and Nvidia AWS we are we're are partners with a lot of um big operations and we can get you certified web age solution deals with upskilling programs for entire organizations a lot of different Technologies like devops cloud computing a ML and you can contact us through any of our websites ACC celbrate exit certified or web age Solutions we will get you to the right place um to get you the exact training that you're looking for we also do public courses with um open enrollment dates so if you don't have a whole team to train you're just one person we've got you covered there as well um we also pull all of our wonderful trainers together and fahem is definitely one of our top he is a Microsoft certified trainer um he's an expert in powerbi Microsoft co-pilot geni and Microsoft fabric um he teaches our Microsoft co-pilot and powerbi courses with 25 years of teaching experience he teaches our custom training courses um in fact he he writes a lot of them and he also teaches our official Microsoft courses many of them including all of these don't worry I will not go through every single one of these courses I just wanted you to be able to scan to see some of the possible follow on to this webinar so you might see um course numbers like ai- scms those are just the Microsoft official courses uh but we do also have our own in-house courses like that first one introduction to GitHub co-pilot wa um that's developed in-house and then the very last one at the bottom powerbi data analytics with co-pilot trading that is a one-day course that actually fahem has put together for us it's w3500 uh and so that course really Maps very well to today's session so after today's session if you're like I'd really like some more I want you know full day handson the only thing better than an with fem is a whole day with fem or any of our trainers so if you're looking for that you are in luck um we are running this course in SE on September October and November and to thank you for coming to this webinar today we're going to give you a promo code for 30% off any of these dates for this course we will email you with that after but I will also put the link and the promo code in the chat um okay so with that let me go ahead and just stop my video and stop my share and I will let fem take over and Dazzle you with powerbi and co-pilot thank you an thank you for the great intro and uh greetings everyone uh so let's get started with this particular session so overall uh the goal of this particular webinar is to understand uh the basics of what is co-pilot and especially what is uh co-pilot for powerbi uh so so overall we will talk about what exactly generative AI is or gen AI in short then we will discuss what is co-pilot after that we will see how we can configure uh fabric uh or the fabric capacity because uh you need it you either need to use fabric capacity or you need to use powerbi capacity in order to utilize copilot for powerbi uh and then after that we will see how we can utilize co-pilot for power Pi I'll show you a bunch of demos um and that uh do so overall uh the goal is to just have a high level overview of co-pilot gen and uh especially co-pilot for powerbi okay so let's get started with the Gen AI uh so question uh how many people have utilized gen AI or chat GPT or copilot or maybe Google Gemini or something like that before so those who have used any of these Concepts or Technologies before please raise your hand or give me a thumbs up or leave a message in the chat
window yes no yes yes no okay awesome so we have sort of a mixed background here some people are already familiar with uh gen U Concepts some of you are not so let's cover what exactly gen AI is and after that we will uh discuss how we can use uh genni or co-pilot for powerbi um okay so let's talk about gen AI first so gen AI it's uh not a new technology anymoree it has been available for quite a while now uh people have been using it even for personal use as well and definitely at work it can be very very useful so generative AI or gen AI it basically lets us generate content so unlike let's say using the Google search engine which only shows us uh the existing uh items or web pages or the existing content gen AI is capable of generating new content even if some content doesn't already exist we are able to generate the content so we can generate uh text we can generate images we can generate uh video files audio files we can even use it to make decisions uh we can uh even U uh look at different uh Data Insights as well we can write code as well and whatnot so sky is a limit we can use gen AI for any purpose these days so generative AI is the uh sort of uh concept and uh the Practical implementation of gen is available in different forms different vendors they offer their own implementation so for example we have open AI we have chat GPT we have uh Google Gemini and whatnot and uh Microsoft actually ended up nailing the term for this geni implementation and it's called co-pilot so other uh vendors definitely they are great Char gbt is great Google Gemini is great but co-pilot makes sense so co-pilot is literally a co-pilot the you are the main pilot the captain of the plane uh and you have to know how to fly the plane you need to know what you have to do what you want to accomplish and whatnot and uh you'll end up having AI driven buddy available to you so co-pilot is basically this AI driven software you're able to use it uh in different ways uh in order to generate some content or fine-tune some existing items uh and whatnot and uh as far as Microsoft is concerned Microsoft overall calls this technology co-pilot and Microsoft offers different variations of this co-pilot so for example we have the absolutely free of cost version of co-pilot simply called Microsoft co-pilot or you can also choose to go with the pro version if you want to generate images and whatnot so co-pilot is available uh in different ways like uh you can choose to use co-pilot even as part of your your Windows operating system especially if you have let's say windows 11 then co-pilot is typically built into uh windows so here we have let's say a co-pilot and uh I can let's say type in a question um so please turn on the dark mode so I'm just entering this prompt I'm entering this question here so it will basically uh let us switch our uh theme to do mod directly from here even though I never went to settings I never went uh to a special uh area in that settings panel at all yet I'm able to do this thing I can say that uh no uh turn the light theme on or rever it you can choose to enter any prompt here so for now I just want to point out that co-pilot is this buddy kind of thing and uh you're able to uh do things in an easier manner you are the boss you are the manager you are delegating activities to co-pilot so we have this uh free uh co-pilot available as part of the windows OS we have it as part of Microsoft edge browser as well uh and then we have uh co-pilot for Microsoft 365 as well so not that I'll end up showing you all of these co-pilots in detail but know that if you have co-pilot license for Microsoft 365 you able to create PowerPoint presentations uh Ms Word documents can be drafted as well with ease you can uh even let's say compose emails as well by using co-pilot and whatnot uh for developers we have GitHub co-pilot so they can write code in Python and C in net and Java and whatnot uh we have copilot for Azure administrators as well so administrators can say create a virtual machine with certain amount of RAM blah blah blah and it creates it for us uh we also have co-pilot for data science data engineering uh especially if you use fabric micro fabric which I'll touch on in just a bit and uh it's also available if you use synapse as well uh we have co-pilot for generating data pipelines so if you are a data engineer and you create your data pipelines to ingest data to perform ETL ex extract transform load operations we have co-pilot for that as well uh we have co-pilot for realtime intelligence and more importantly as far as this uh uh session is concerned co-pilot for power bi is there as well so uh by the time we are done with the session you will know what exactly copilot for power bi is and you'll be able to uh utilize bits and pieces of it at least uh after you have gone through this particular webinar and definitely down the road we do have have a full-blown course or we have multiple courses on this technology or concept so overall for now know that co-pilot is being able to do stuff by delegating different uh activities to this AI driven technology so uh co-pilot they all end up utilizing AI sort of algorithms behind the scene so that they can understand or uh input which is also known as prompt so you are basically going to prompt the AI technology the coil technology to do something for you and we will see various examples in just a bit especially in terms of powerbi as well so overall you will end up entering some prompt you will ask the uh co-pilot your buddy your AI buddy uh to do something on your behalf so this way you'll have to do less work on your site and more work will be accomplished by the AI technology so behind the scenes uh machine learning AI Etc is being utilized it parses or text uh so it uses natural language processing NLP capabilities to uh understand what we are trying to see and uh then it has its own knowledge base it's uh able to uh generate new content for us uh because it's a a generative AI technology and overall like I mentioned that um we end up entering a prompt so when you enter some prompt here you're able to generate something what exactly you're generating sky is a limit So eventually your goal will be to focus on co-pilot for powerbi like uh creating visualizations uh maybe generating Dax quties uh maybe generating power qu M sort of uh syntax and whatnot but overall co-pilot depending on what technology you're using for co-pilot uh you're able to enter almost any type of prompt
here so um a very simple example before we discuss co-pilot for powerbi so here let's say this time around I'm going to use co-pilot that is available in this uh let's say Microsoft edge browser or you can also just navigate to uh let's see copilot microsoft.com and you're able to enter a prompt here so you can see uh generate uh let's say a python script for me that connects to let's say uh a Wikipedia web site and uh downloads the HTML file or something like that so it's up to you you can enter any type of prompt here here and it will basically end up generating the code for us so now you might say no I'm not a python developer we didn't sign up for this webinar for python we signed up for powerbi so you can even do stuff related to powerbi as well so this is something I'll show you in just a bit how we can use co-pilot uh for powerbi but for now know that co-pilot it lets you generate new content it can be uh any type of content it could be even for some personal use as well you could even say generate uh a recipe that involves certain let's say ingredients so it can basically even generate a a recipe based on whatever ingredients you're going to pass to it and whatnot uh you can use it to let's say summarize MSW documents you can uh choose to use it to um let's say make grammatical um fixes to your paragraphs and whatnot the sky is a limit so in fact you can also do something like this so I can let's say uh maybe navigate to any page here so wikipedia.com and I'll just uh hopefully after I the right address apparently no I'll just uh so Wikipedia um and let's say I'll just enter
maybe uh provinces and Canada whatever so I'll just go to any let's say page here and you can even ask co-pilot to summarize this gigantic page the co-pilot has uh one of these built-in prompts it's a generate page summary and it's going to analyze this page and generate a summary of this page so you can see that co-pilot overall it's your best buddy in the world it's Aid driven technology and it's basically summarizing the page for us we can uh choose to add more prompts here to summarize the page in in different ways and what not so that's up to you but overall gen is the genetic term we use to generate new content and co-pilot it's the implementation offered to us by Microsoft and there are various implementations or various flavors of this co-pilot so for now I've shown you some generic MS uh or a Windows based co-pilot uh this uh web browser based co-pilot to uh let's say summarize a page and uh whatnot to generate python sort of code as well and next slowly and gradually we will see how we can use copilot for powerbi as well okay so keeping this in mind that co-pilot is uh the Gen AI technology from Microsoft uh before co-pilot became available and power be if you had to perform different operations then we mostly have to rely on a very manual kind of approach uh and yes uh powerbi it does have some built-in options that uh doeses make things somewhat easier even without using co-pilot and that is what I'm going to talk about first here like uh if you do not have co-pilot uh how you can use some of the built-in options in powerbi to make things somewhat easier so uh question how many people have used powerbi before if yes please raise your hand or give me a thumbs up so I can uh show you a few of these demos before I talk about copilot okay awesome so most people have used powerbi before so that's great so uh even without co-pilot uh we have different uh techniques available in power beond so for example we have something called creating columns using custom from examples so here uh I already have my powerbi desktop tool open I have this simple data source here I can let's say search to power query editor and even without using co-pilot we have some basic options available here to facilitate us when it comes to generating new columns and whatnot uh so for example you might want to let's say uh extract some component from one of these columns so let's say I'm going to extract first name from this customer name first name from customer name so I can let's say highlight this column and even without using co-pilot I can use this uh add column column from examples from selection and I can just enter some some pattern here so the first name of the first customer is Rick so if I enter Rick press the enter key on the keyboard Bingo it's able to extract the first name from all these uh customers like the customer name uh column wise we have first name extracted so uh even uh for this part behind the scenes there is some uh basic AI sort of operation taking place that is looking at the pattern and whatnot so you're able to find U just enter some partial pattern and it's able to extract the text for
us and then I'll show you uh some of these options as part of co-pilot as well before that I just want to quickly wrap up this slide so that we know how we can do things without co-pilot and then how we can do things with co-pilot uh we also have something called narrative summary it's a visual that can be utilized so here let's say if I add maybe a pie chart so I'm adding a simple pie chart to my report I'm going to let's say uh display sales and values and I'm going to break it down by let's say maybe uh
country in Legend and then I'm going to add this uh visual called narrative or even uh without adding this narrative I'm going to just right click this Visual and I'm going to summarize it and here it will uh you will notice that it will ask us to enable co-pilot something we haven't turned on yet so I'll enable it in just a bit and then I'll come back to that again so for now know that narrative you can choose to use it uh to summarize your page so let me come back to that in just a bit uh and before that let me show you this Q&A visual so without co-pilot you'll be able to use this Q and A visual to uh rapidly design your reports so you can add this visual called q and a question and answer so you either click on it or you can use this uh shortcut so control and slash control forward slash so if you add this control forward slash it will add this q& day and now you're able to ask questions so I can say let's say I want to uh so show sales by country as let's say pie chart press the enter key on the keyboard and we have this visualization here we can uh finalize the visualization by turning this q and a result into a standard visual like this let's quickly add one more here control slash I can enter something else here so I can say uh sure uh let's say average uh let's say Quantity or maybe uh
profit by let's say a prod category or just category for now as let's say line or maybe a bar chart so we have this bar chart they able to rapidly create visuals so yes this has been available for quite a while like even without co-pilot you're able to use this technique to rapidly design your visuals but we want to be even more productive so uh with co-pilot you will notice that in just a matter of one or two prompts you're able to design your report in a super fast manner something I'll show you one step at a time but before that I just want to quickly wrap up this slide like uh even without co-pilot we have some uh options available in powerbi that can let you design your report in a very fast Manner and last but not the least we have uh quick insights option as well which lets you create multiple visuals and then you can pick and choose whatever visual you want and you can add it to your dashboard so for this purpose if I let's say uh go to my powerbi service portal and then if I go to my workspace where I already have a bunch of reports published so we have some report and we have the corresponding semantic model published so rather than designing a report from Scrat if you just have your data set published semantic model published you can use the three dots and you can use or let me show for this one so you can use get quick insights so get quick insights is the AI driven technology built into powerbi service and it looks at your data sets like all of your tables all of your columns and it tries to guess what could be your potential uh key columns uh key scenarios key reports that you might want to see and once uh the built-in AI technology has uh analyzed your data set it will end up generating uh insights and you can open up view or just click on that view insights option and without creating any of these visuals we have all of these visuals available to us so these are uh basically some uh Trends or AI has determined that some of these columns based on the data that we have in those columns they are quite significant so it has generate some reports or visuals for us automatically so for example it's saying office supplies accounts for the uh majority of postal code it's are displayed here or let's say uh profit by country is here uh we have profit by subcategory we have uh let's say population by country so it's just looking at our set or data sets and it's able to uh just come up with some suggestions like you might want to look at these visuals even though I never designed these visuals manually at all and uh now I can say that okay yes this is uh quite helpful and now you can choose to pin it add it to your dashboard so I can choose to add a new dashboard or create a new dashboard here let's say we call it uh let's say um executive summary something like that sales executive summary or whatever name you want to for it you're able to create your dashboard uh you can pin visuals like this let's uh add it to the existing dashboard exactive summary pin and I can choose to go to the dashboard here even though I never create these visuals manually at all yet AI that is built in into powerbi service has created these for us automatically so yes we have uh some of these AI options available even without using the formal the official co-pilot technology okay so uh overall you can see that even without using co-pilot we have different built-in functionalities but our goal is to understand how to use co-pilot as
well so next I want to show you one step at a time how we can use co-pilot to make things even more efficient and uh before I show you the formal co-pilot for powerbi uh let me show you how you can manually utilize copilot SL chat GPT SL Google Gemini and sort of a more manual manner so if you do not have co-pilot for powerbi the license for it uh you just want to use some free option free of cost option then you can use uh just the uh free of cost uh co-pilot from Microsoft without the license for powerbi um or you can use Char GPD or Google gini but in this case the drawback would be you can only generate uh Power query M based queries and uh Dax based queries you cannot create
visuals so what exactly does this mean so say we have this report and let's say say we have this column here called order date uh and let's say we want to calculate uh fiscal year so fiscal year uh and let's say that uh if the month is at least April then the fiscal year should be fall in the next year otherwise it should be in the current year something like that so this is what we want to accomplish so uh typically you would end up creating a new column then you would have to think of what Dax expression I should use here so let's say fiscal year whatever equals now you have to think of what function I should use here should I extract the year part how do I add one to it how do I find out whether it's a the month is at least April or not you need to think of the query and yes experienced powerbi developers they are usually comfortable with writing the query manually uh but here we want to see how to use co-pilot one step at a time so for now I'm going to show you co-pilot the free version then after that I'll show you the formal co-pilot for powerbi so here we can say uh generate a power Pi expression or Dax query that uh calculate returns let's say fiscal order year based on the order date column I know my column name is order date and then I can say say uh if the month is at least April then it should fall in the next year otherwise and you can see that uh even if there are any grammatical mistakes you don't have commas and what not it's fine co-pilot is intelligent enough to uh analyze or text and whatnot so we can say otherwise it should have fall in the current year so uh we are sending this prompt to Copart the free version of copilot and it will end up generating an expression for us so we have the Dax expression here and it's using somewhat uh longer technique or it's basically just generating a table for now and then more importantly we have the uh let's see uh the actual fiscal year column so you can say that uh no I don't want to use this as it is I want to make some changes here and let me actually just refresh this page and I quickly add that again so I can see uh I have a table in power bi named Global super stored that's exactly what I have in powerbi global Super Store uh with a column named ordered date so generate a power bi expression for me that uh creates or returns or let's say that creates a custom column named fiscal order year uh if the month is at least April then it should fall in the next year otherwise it should be in the current year
whatever and uh I can send this prompt again so the more precise you are the more precise your expression will be so here we have the expression so it's uh using fiscal order uh here and then now we have our logic here so you can choose to generate your expression like this by using copilot but our goal is to uh eventually use the formal co-pilot for powerbi because at this point the limitation is that yes we have the expression but you need to copy it and then you need to go back to Power bi and then you need to uh manually paste the expression manually So currently we are uh doing this thing in a very manual manner so rather than doing this thing in a very manual manner our goal is to use the formal co-pilot for powerbi and that's what we are sling gradually stepping towards okay so you can see that uh it's possible to not use co-pilot at all but in that case you would have to uh write the queries manually or you'll just have to rely on some buil-in techniques or you can use the free co-pilot option to generate some Dax queries but in that case you would have to man copy paste your uh queries like sarch to your co-pilot website generate the expression copy the expression from there paste it in your powerbi switch back and forth several times uh and we don't want to do that so that is where you can utilize the formal co-pilot for powerbi and there's a prerequisite to using co-pilot for power PN uh you either need to utilize the premium capacity or you need to use the fabric capacity and here we will end up using the fabric capacity so that's where we need to understand what is fabric because in order to be be able to use uh co-pilot you can see that in powerb desktop we have this co-pilot option uh we have something called Dax query view as well so these are the two main options available in powerbi that lets us generate queries generate reports like visuals and whatnot in a very fast manner but there's a caveat and that is both Dax query View and co-pilot they are paid options they are not free unfortunately so if you are looking for some free option use Copilot microsoft.com website or chat gb.com website copy paste your Dax Expressions manually uh but you cannot generate visuals if you want to use the formal co-pilot option provided uh as part of powerbi like co-pilot here or Dax query view you need to use the PA option and for the paer option you either need to go with uh the uh powerbi premium capacity option which is approximately around $3 to $5,000 per month for the organization or you need to go with something called fabric uh the cost for that would be variable depending on how much you use it something I'll talk about in just a bit so here I'll end up using fabric uh and uh let's just have a brief overview of fabric before we see how to enable uh co-pilot for fabric uh or powerbi and then use it so overall fabric it's uh an endtoend data engineering SL dat analytics platform offered by Microsoft so we have everything that we need to implement data engineering or data analytics so we are able to create data pipelines data flows we are able to create uh warehouses SL lakehouses we can even utilize data sence like you can use python or tensor flow or whatever other Technologies you want uh you can write code in Python uh Implement U machine learning AI sort of stuff if needed we have uh live real time uh sort of streaming option available to update our dashboards in real time and it already contains powerbi as well and uh it's also able to uh react to some uh events like uh it can notify you when some threshold values crossed by any of the visuals or your data set and whatnot so overall it's a unified platform that lets you store data engineer your data and also analyze your data so it's an end analytics platform and uh if you have fabric then you'll be able to use uh Power bi with the built-in co-pilot option the co-pilot for powerbi will be available to you and what exactly can you accomplish with the co-pilot for powerbi you can do everything in a super fast man you can generate your reports in a super fast pace something I'll show you in just a bit so you can say generate an executive uh summary uh for the Global Super Store data set it will generate uh a bunch of visuals for us automatically and you can further find to them if you want so you can generate your uh reports your visuals basically you can also ask questions of your data you can say uh show me the average of something minimum of something it can U show you some insights it can summarize the data as well for you by using co-pilot something I'll show you in just a bit uh you can generate Dax queries with relative ease without leaving power be desktop you can generate your Dax queries so you no longer need to use co-pilot uh website then switch back and forth multiple times to copy paste your code you can do everything directly from powerp desktop uh so you can summarize your reports uh generate your reports uh even generate text based narratives something I'll show you in just a bit so overall uh what it means is that you're able to do more work in less time so do more in less time that is the mentality when you use copilot for
powerbi so keeping this in mind that uh we have different uh techniques to speed up or report designing process again uh in order to use co-pilot in powerbi it is mandatory that you have some paid options such as p our bi premium capacity like at least P1 um or you have fabric capacity at least f64 no other capacity is supported premium per user is not supported so you need to have one of these options in uh available to
you so uh keeping this in mind uh here in my case I already have uh fabric capacity configured I won't bother spending too much time on this step since I want to show you how to use co-pilot itself but overall in asure your administrators will end up going to Microsoft Fabric and they will end up creating a new instance of this fabric so in my case I already have it created and uh you will basically get built for it so for the fabric capacity you will get built exactly how much you will get buil if you have any interest on that I'll point out a calculator it will let you find out uh if you use it for certain number of hours you will have to pay that much and whatnot but overall you need to have a fabric capacity and whenever you don't want to get built you just stop it when you uh want to use uh the premium features uh like co-pilot and whatnot you resume it so currently I'm not paying anything for this fabric capacity since I have it stopped I can let's say resume it just for uh a few minutes and while it's doing that you can also go to let's say Azure pricing calculator website and you can enter or search for fabric capacity
here and it will let you get some cost estimates so here again uh we need to use at least f64 capacity uh this will let you use co-pilot it will let you use uh data pipelines data engineering data science everything can be utilized including powerbi as well and uh let's say uh we use it for the whole month we need to pay quite a bit in that case because it's the full-blown end to endend platform but you can say that no we will only use it for let's say just an hour from now so it it will be just $11 or so so it's basically $1 per hour kind of thing and it's not just for co-pilot it is for the whole platform uh like end to end data engineering data analytics and whatnot so like I mentioned when you want to use it you start the service when you uh don't want to use it you pause the service so I've started the service so it's now up and running and then uh secondly uh in order to use this uh co-pilot for uh for powerbi you need to make sure you have a workspace provisioned here in power BS service and that must utilize this fabric capacity and this fabric capacity will be disabled if you don't have a fabric capacity provision so in my case I already have this provisioned so that is why I can see this option here fabric capacity is available so now I'll be able to use co-pilot I'll be able to use uh data engineering data pipelines data flows I can create data we houses I can create lak houses I can uh even deploy publish my reports as well to powerbi and whatnot so we have everything available to us when we use fabric capacity or in case if you already have uh the premium capacity option available at work you can go with this option as well even that will let you use uh co-pilot but you'll not be able to use the data engineering sort of concepts with premium capacity fabric is more Superior it has the endtoend data engineering data analytic sort of Technologies available out of the box so once I have this fabric capacity which I already have here so this workspace is using fabric capacity so you can see that in license info it will show us that we have fabric capacity here and now I'll be able to create a report let me quickly relaunch this uh powerb desktop tool since I had to stop my fabric capacity and then I had to restart it so let me just quickly open up powerb desktop one more time so that I can point out copilot features okay so uh once you have um and let me just use my
existing report okay so we have this existing report and uh uh once you have uh your uh fabric account your fabric capacity you have signed in as well uh you'll be able to use this co-pilot option and uh typically uh the very first time around when you uh use this option instead of showing you the co-pilot option right away it will actually ask you to make sure you specify your workspace uh sorry so let me go back here and uh use options and in this uh copil so here we are able to change or select a workspace that has the fabric capacity enabled on it so you have to make sure you select a a workspace that has at least f64 capacity enabled on it and then you'll be able to use this co-pilot option so if I go back to this co-pilot again so we have let's say co-pilot and you can see some uh sample prompt seed I can let's say uh create a new page here and I can say create a new
report uh that shows the executive sales summary based on the uh Global support stored data set so it does take a bit of time uh for the C to get passed and uh to get sent to co-pilot and then it will basically end up generating a bunch of visuals for us and just so that uh we can speed up uh the session since we don't have too much time I'll just show you this uh recorded video for this similar uh prompt or a bunch of prompts just to speed up the session okay so overall uh when you use this prompt or uh you could use different variations of this prompt it will basically enter up uh showing you something like this so if I let's see maybe just go here first so you can see that uh we have this co-pilot on the right hand site and now you can enter your prompt even manually if you want so you can say let's say create a new report that shows sales breakdown by country state and city uh whatever columns you have in your data set uh and then uh you will notice that if uh once uh copilot has processed this particular query it will end up generating the visuals for us it's suggesting these visuals you can always find in these visuals afterward as well but in Just Around 15 to 20 seconds you enter a prompt you uh send the prompt to co-pilot for powerbi and it generates the report for us we even have the slicer or the filter for country in this case you can always find unit further if you want you're able to generate your report in a super fast pace and you can use different variations of this prompt to rapidly generate your page for your report so in uh barely around let's say 10 to 15 minutes you can design let's say uh 5 to 10 report pages and then after that you can always customize them further if you want uh you can also utilize um the suggestion option as well if you use the suggest content for this report then in that case uh very much like get quick insights it will try to suggest uh what could be the potential key data points that you might want to see uh you can always find to them later on as well uh and it will actually suggest that uh based on the data set you can choose to perform product analysis or Regional sales kind of analysis or customer segmentation kind of thing or you can always fine-tune these further um if you're happy with one of these you can just uh click the create button for that or you can always find to it further by clicking the pencil or pen kind of Icon uh and it will basically end up generating the suggested uh quick insights kind of visuals for us and again you can further find T them uh if you want so you can generate your report pages with these that is one thing you can accomplish with co-pilot for uh powerbi you can even get uh an executive summary kind of thing as well or summarize the entire page this page is too busy how do we make sense of it in uh this summary kind of format so ask for a summary it will summarize the page for you so it's going to tell you that the total sales adds up to this much and blah blah blah it's showing us the key data points or key aspects here and you can always choose to later on add these uh to your actual report as well but in short you're able to summarize your report with ease that is uh another thing you can do so in addition to creating your report Pages you can summarize the report pages and uh you can also utilize various other prompts so here I have some sample prompts you can choose to enter to design your report Pages uh so for example design a report page called customer segmentation that visualizes sales profit and whatnot so you can enter different prompts here and you're able to design your report pages with ease and you can always find them further down the road and in addition in addition to uh generating report Pages you're also able to generate narratives as well summarize your pages basically so again uh just to save on uh time and not having to wait for the prompt to get uh passed and get sent to uh copilot and whatnot I'll just open up my video here okay so uh let's say we have uh some sample report for now we have a simple pie chart we are uh displaying sales breakdown by country and then you can add this narrative Visual and when you add it it will show you this co-pilot option and uh you can choose to enter some custom prompt or you can use some of these suggestions like give an exactive summary create a bulleted list of insights answer likely questions from leadership or you can enter some diff other scenario as well which I'll show you in just a bit but overall you can say summarize the data or let's say use a budet list to highlight key insights so it will look at your current page so by default it looks at the current page if you want to look at all of your pages you can change this option to all pages or your report basically so it will look at your current page and show you the summary of what visuals are there and what they are reflecting what are the key data points that we should be aware of and you can always enter some custom uh prompt here you can see show bur list uh that shows uh let's say five underperforming countries where we are not selling our products that much so it will show you those uh countries in this case likewise you can say show five best performing countries as for as sales is concerned it will uh show that as a narrative here so you're able to generate narratives with ease add them to your report uh so that your Executives can look at them or data analysts can look at them and whatnot U and then uh uh just one more thing here uh and that is you can also use this Dax query view to generate Dax Expressions without leaving power desktop so here uh again if I save a bit of time by showing you this video and speed through it so you're able to search to Dax query View and you can click on this prompt icon and you can enter any prompt here uh in uh more uh full-blown sort of sessions we talk about what prompts you can enter but generally speaking you're able to uh generate uh queries like generate fiscal year or let's say uh uh maybe uh generate parallel period uh kind of data that compared sales performance to the previous year sales performance and whatnot uh for now just to uh speed things up a little bit we are using a sample uh prompt here which is just uh generate a sample tax query based on our data set and you can see that it's aware of our data set and it has generated some extra statements here like evaluate summarized columns but more importantly it is calculating sum of sales and uh output the output will be displayed like this in Dax query view so we have our Dax query along with the output displayed as this table so you are able to test out your expressions and if you're happy with these Expressions only then you choose to keep them as columns in your data set so before we save it as a column Let's uh see example here so this time around I'm going to create some measures so generate some suggested measures which is going to look at our custom or uh different uh columns in our uh table so for example we have total sales we have total quantity uh profit uh shipping cost so it has created these measures for us and you can look at the complete syntax as well so you can see the complete syntax looks like this it's going to create a bunch of measures for us and we also able to see the output as well so we can run the query and see what um measures we have here and if you're happy with these measures you're able to update your model with these measures so when you click this update model with changes you'll be able to see these measures in your uh data set so now more full-blown sessions we talk about the actual prompts you can enter to generate uh your queries and whatnot but here I have some sample uh prompts so you can see add a new column fiscal order date based on order date with the fiscal year starting in April blah blah blah so you're able to generate columns in a super fast manner uh so overall uh Power bi has co-pilot option built into it but you need to use the PA option which is either via the premium capacity or you need to go with the fabric capacity and just one small note here you uh can use uh copilot for power query as well but that is currently not available in powerbi desktop so if you let's say open a power query editor you will not see the power uh or a co-pilot for powerbi uh here instead you need to rely on on the powerbi service portal for this purpose so if you're using uh where is my Pipeline and if I let's say open up maybe this one so currently uh the limitation is that uh for power query if you want to uh let's say generate new columns or let's say remove some columns as part of power query editor then the co-pilot is currently available but only if you are using powerp service via the web browser so cly this option is not built into powerp desktop so fullblown sessions we talk about what prompts you can enter but overall you can say uh let's say uh convert uh let's say all column head to upper case to lower case and it will do it for all the columns for you automatically you can merge Tables by simply entering a prompt like merch these two tables it will do that for you it will even s just what columns could be potentially used to merge the tables and what not so in more full-blown sessions we talk about how we can use uh copilot as part of power query as well so uh simply put uh to speed up your report designing process to generate your reports your uh key insights and whatnot to add uh let's say uh your uh sorry um so to add your um additional columns and measures and whatnot we basically can utilize uh this co-pilot for power PN okay so um any questions regarding this
part and overall the go is to uh speed up our report designing process the end to end process like power query Dax and also visuals as well okay uh so in that case um um so definitely please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions and you have the list of various courses uh on your screen as well so definitely feel feel free to get in touch with us so thank you very much it was a pleasure to be here with you for this
session F thank you so much um just one just one second can you hear me okay yes I can hear you okay thank you and actually you know what I know fim you probably have to go I don't know if if everybody knows this P's actually teaching a course he's he's so awesome he's doing this webinar and now he's gonna go teach a class um so fim if you need to to jump off no problem um just wanted to to to show your class really quickly and just wanted to share my screen um and if you don't mind just confirming that you can see the class powerbi data analytics using co-pilot index query View well hopefully yall can see it um this this class Maps really well to everything that fahem talked about today and we've got dates on September 26th October 7th October 24th and November 25th and we'll be emailing you um uh a promo code for 30% off and you know I can just I can write it in the chat too it's mf30 I'll just put that in the chat but you're going to get it in the email along with the recording um so don't worry at all about that let me just go ahead put that in the chat uh you know what I'm going to just grab that URL don't worry you're going to get this in the in the email as well but just in case here is the 30% promo code anyway for anyone who's who's stuck around with us thank you all so much we really appreciate that you spent this hour with us and we hope to see you again either in class or on another webinar and you know as always just reach out if you have any questions and we will be in touch soon with this recording all right everyone have a wonderful day thank you so much yay thanks thanks everybody yeah wonderful to see you we really appreciate you coming out with us today all right everyone see you soon