Containers and Cloud Native Training Courses

Cloud native development has revolutionized how organizations build and ship applications. Cloud native practices and technologies allow organizations to take full advantage of all the benefits that the cloud has to offer. At the heart of cloud native development is the concept of containers. Docker training has become important for IT organizations that embrace containerization in their software development and deployment. ExitCertified has long been partnered with Docker for authorized training and continues to do so after the acquisition of Docker Enterprise by cloud native company Mirantis. In addition to Enterprise Docker and Kubernetes training from Mirantis, ExitCertified offers a number of options for training in other emerging container technologies. Another important element of cloud native development is that of microservices.


What does Cloud Native Have to do with Microservices?

The Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF) defines cloud native as a collection of technologies that are used to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic cloud environments. These technologies include containers, services meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs. A move to the cloud is rarely just a change of platform. To take full advantage of all that the cloud has to offer, it is best to break large monolithic applications into a series of self-contained microservices.

To learn more about microservices, see out Microservices Training Courses.

Why Learn About Containers?

Containers solve the reliability problems that arise when software moves from one computing environment to another. This could be when moving applications from a developer’s laptop to a test environment, from a staging environment to production, or even when moving apps from on on-premise data venter to virtual machines in a public or private cloud. Containers do this by encapsulating the application code along with its dependencies, libraries, other binaries, and all configuration files needed to run it in one package. Containerizing the app and its dependencies means that differences in OS distributions and underlying infrastructure are abstracted away. Containers provide an excellent technology to implement microservices.

While containers have been a part of Linux for a long time, it was only when Docker exploded on the scene in 2013 that their usage has swept the IT landscape. These days there are plenty of competitors to Docker, including containerd, CRI-O, and podman. In addition to the container runtimes, there are a lot of options when it comes to container orchestration, like Docker Swarm, Amazon ECS, Apache Mesos, and the wildly popular Kubernetes.

To learn more about Kubernetes, see our Kubernetes Training Courses.

Get Started Learning about Containers and Docker

Get started with the official classes on Docker and other cloud native technologies like Kubernetes from Mirantis. Or start with authorized Red Hat classes on containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift. Red Hat classes use podman as their container of choice. 

Use the search above to look for more specialized classes from other leading vendors like IBM and Oracle.

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