Tutorials & Guides - Training Resources

ExitCertified is an industry leader in IT training; our free training and development resources enable you and your team to get the vital skills you need to advance to the next level in your chosen field. We’ve been training IT professionals like you, since 2001 and today, we deliver thousands of authorized training courses for more than 25 brands. Our most popular free IT training resources include articles, webinars, free courses, whitepapers, case studies, videos, learning paths, skills assessments, and datasheets – to name a few. We cover a wide range of topics including AWS, VMware, IBM, Nutanix, Docker, ForgeRock, Google Cloud, Microsoft, SAP, Veeam, Kubernetes, Databricks, Oracle, and more. Keep your skills up to date and get the training you need by selecting a helpful resource below.

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