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AWS Skill Builder Team Subscription

Whether your team is new to the cloud, experienced builders, or you have an organization that is looking to innovate at scale, a Skill Builder subscription can help deepen your team's knowledge. Go...

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$449 USD
Course Code AWS-SBT-SUB
Available Formats Subscription

Whether your team is new to the cloud, experienced builders, or you have an organization that is looking to innovate at scale, a Skill Builder subscription can help deepen your team's knowledge. Go beyond our 600+ free digital courses to prepare for an AWS Certification, stay current, and unlock hands-on training in an AWS Console environment without the risk of additional fees. The minimum group size for a Team Subscription is 5.

  • Minimum enrollments are required. Give us your information and one of our Education Consultants will respond with pricing and purchasing information.

Course Details

Team Subscription Benefits

A Team Subscription to AWS Skill Builder allows you to equip your team to build in AWS Cloud through continuous training. You can scale and assign training across your organization through an administrator dashboard.

  • Assign self-paced digital training built by AWS experts to drive the skills you need; with 600+ on-demand courses, curated learning plans, hands-on labs, and game-based learning tools.
  • Provide teams with interactive, live AWS sandbox environments to develop practical skills with AWS Builder Labs.
  • Develop the expertise of key roles within your organization with game-based learning in AWS Cloud Quest.
  • Build problem-solving skills as a team with open-ended cloud challenges in AWS Jam events or individually with Jam Journey.
  • Help your teams build skills specific to your industry’s critical use cases with AWS Industry Quest.
  • Validate team learning with exam prep for AWS Certification.