Features On Demand

Searchable content
Looking for something specific? The training library is searchable so you can always find exactly what you’re looking for.

Accessible from anywhere
Log into the OnDemand portal from any laptop or iOS device, no matter where you are.

Hands-on labs
Access to a high quality cloud-hosted lab environment means you get hands-on practice.

At any time
The self-paced learning environment means you can learn on your own schedule, and at your own speed.

Continuous access
Get unlimited access to course videos for 180 days (1 class options) or 365 days (course libraries)
Cloudera University OnDemand Libraries (365 days)
Cloudera University OnDemand Library subscriptions give you 365 days of unlimited access to online training. With 100 included hours of access to cloud-hosted hands-on exercise environments, you’ll have everything you need in one place, all while saving time and reducing costs.
Cloudera University OnDemand Library – CLOUD-U-OD-LIB $4,495 USD
The Cloudera University OnDemand Library subscription provides access to all the courses listed below via our OnDemand portal for one year and includes 100 hours of access to the cloud hosted hands-on exercise environments.

Cloudera OnDemand Individual Self-Paced Courses $395 - $2,235 USD
Cloudera OnDemand Data Sheet