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Myles Brown: All right. Welcome! Good morning uh! It's going to take a couple of minutes for everyone to join, so we'll give it a couple of minutes before we get started.
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Myles Brown: The way the zoom works, the attendees slowly creep up, so i'll wait till they sort of level out before we get started,
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Myles Brown: this is a Webinar style um presentation. So you won't be able to ask uh questions allowed. You won't be able to turn on your camera. It'll be largely just, Allen speaking, and i'll be sort of uh taking care of the the Q. A. Questions.
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Myles Brown: It looks like things are starting to level out with the number of attendees. So welcome. Good morning for most people in North America.
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Myles Brown: Um! My name is Miles Brown. I work for a company called exit certified and exit certified, is a a trading company. We've been around since two thousand and one one,
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Myles Brown: and we are partnered with Aws have been since two thousand and fourteen as an authorized training partner. Actually, maybe, Alan, if you can,
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Myles Brown: up the next slide there we have a couple of notes about exit certified. Um, it says, here we're a leading it training provider with a ninety-seven percent satisfaction rating from our students. And we have a We have a pretty strong internal team of instructors that have been around for a long time, and we've been doing virtual training for a long time. Uh, we started in two thousand and twelve doing virtual training. We started using zoom in two thousand and fourteen when it shortly after it came out.
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Myles Brown: So when the pandemic came, we kind of switched from probably about sixty percent virtual to one hundred percent.
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Myles Brown: And so we've done a a very good job with that. We now have our training centers across North America are open again. Although most people are still doing virtual training, We do send the instructors to companies to do in-person training quite a bit as well.
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Myles Brown: And uh we, we've seen some success with aws. It's our our biggest partner at this point, and uh last time uh the trading certification team gave out a partner of the year for the Americas. It was, It was us, uh they kind of suspended doing that a little bit during the pandemic.
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Myles Brown: Today we have a great presentation from Allen, who works at aws. He's a senior partner uh development manager with Aws training and certification. He's focused on growing the number of Aws certified builders through global network of Aws authorized training partners like exit certified.
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Myles Brown: He has extensive experience in technology, learning and development with demonstrated success in business development sales, marketing, training, delivery operations.
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Myles Brown: Uh he's been I I've worked closely with Allen for the last few years. He's been a great partner manager for us, and he he really knows a lot about aws uh training and certification. So i'm gonna let him take it over and like I said, i'll I'll sort of be there for the Q. A. I'll talk a little bit about uh some of our courses right at the end of the at the end of the presentation. So, Allen, please take it away. Absolutely. Well, thank you, Miles, and and good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Wherever you may be.
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Allen Middleton: Um, as Miles said, my name is Allen Middleton. My pronouns are he him um, and I am the partner Development manager that works uh directly with exit certified, as Miles said, Exit certified, is our largest and most valued
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Allen Middleton: partner uh delivering authorized training on aws to our builders out in the community, both new and uh experienced,
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Allen Middleton: and they have been
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Allen Middleton: an exceptional uh partner to us. Uh, and a great resource. Their um customer service uh customer Satisfaction stats are through the roof. So if you are considering working with, uh exit certified
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Allen Middleton: uh on your Aws Cloud journey. Um, I highly recommend them. Uh, which is is part of the reason that i'm here today co-presenting with miles
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Allen Middleton: uh today we're going to talk about the value of aws certification. I have a few uh goals for our time today that I hope will align to your interest in joining the session. Um. We'll share some data uh to help you quantify the value of Aws certification.
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Allen Middleton: We'll look at some of the different categories of certifications that are available through aws, so you can see how they are aligned to either your current role, or perhaps one you're thinking about in your future.
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Allen Middleton: Uh, we'll talk about the different methods for taking an aws exam. And what that process looks like because it is a bit of a process. Um! And then, as Miles mentioned, we're going to talk a little bit about the training you can take to help you on your cloud journey to support your certification goals
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Allen Middleton: to achieve uh that sort of um desired certification.
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Allen Middleton: Um, I hope once we cover those points, you will be well equipped to make a decision about moving forward with your plan to get aws certified,
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Allen Middleton: uh, and ultimately put a timeline to that for yourself.
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Allen Middleton: So when we talk about Aws certification, the first question that always comes up is, is there really demand
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Allen Middleton: for cloud certifications in Today's market. And the answer is a resounding Yes,
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Allen Middleton: so this is a stat you've likely seen before one like it. Um there's a shortage of cloud skills today,
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Allen Middleton: and it. Decision-makers are desperate to hire a workforce with adequate cloud skills in order to achieve their business goals and outcomes.
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Allen Middleton: In fact, when surveyed most Decision-makers say that the lack of cloud skills are their number one roadblock to grow their business
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Allen Middleton: um and and most also site um candidates with cloud skills as their number. One hiring priority.
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Allen Middleton: Um cloud skills touch a lot of different functional areas in a lot of different industries. You pull up any job board and input cloud thousands of jobs come up.
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Allen Middleton: So it's just a fact today that if you're in it and thinking about the future, if you're just starting out or thinking about making a career change. Pursuing a cloud. Certification is an investment with a long-term
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Allen Middleton: high yield of return opportunity.
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Allen Middleton: Speaking of future opportunity. Um,
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Allen Middleton: this slide Here references a report sponsored by Dell,
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Allen Middleton: and authorized by the Institute for the future, that surveyed more than two thousand tech business professionals,
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Allen Middleton: and all of the respondents agreed that they believe that eighty five percent is
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Allen Middleton: of jobs that will exist in two thousand and thirty
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Allen Middleton: haven't even been invented yet.
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Allen Middleton: And when you see that statistic, it seems kind of hard to believe. But then you think back to what
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Allen Middleton: has happened in the last thirty years with the growth of the Internet and the cloud that created so many jobs that it makes, you know, perfect sense. There are thousands of cloud jobs available today, and that trend will only continue
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Allen Middleton: so. How can Aws certifications help you in your for your journey?
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Allen Middleton: Um! And let's look at that from sort of the recruiters perspective.
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Allen Middleton: So in a different report published by Hr. Dive just a couple of months ago.
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Allen Middleton: Most recruiters surveyed eighty-five percent
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Allen Middleton: believe that candidates exaggerate their skills on a resume.
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Allen Middleton: One thing that cannot be questioned on a resume
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Allen Middleton: uh which we all know is your calling card to get any job, any promotion, any special project assignment is an authorized certification credential.
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Allen Middleton: So if i'm a recruiter selecting a group of candidates to interview for a cloud based role, i'm likely to prioritize those candidates that have a vendor authorized certification achievement.
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Allen Middleton: So there's no question that a certification validates your ability to perform.
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Allen Middleton: Um in the
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Allen Middleton: uh, I referenced a couple slides ago. The top fifteen Skills employers are hiring for
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Allen Middleton: um aws. Cloud practitioner is cited as the number one most in demand cloud certification.
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Allen Middleton: Why is that
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Allen Middleton: it's because the demand for Aws drives the need for Aws certified professionals So Andy Jassie, who is aws's Ceo
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Allen Middleton: uh recently said that he believes aws currently has only four percent
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Allen Middleton: of the total addressable cloud market.
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Allen Middleton: Um, as we say it aws, and you'll hear this frequently if if if you do become involved. Uh
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Allen Middleton: in an aws Cloud journey.
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Allen Middleton: It is still day one
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Allen Middleton: um to put that into context,
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Allen Middleton: according to Forbes Magazine, aws has half of the current public cloud market
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Allen Middleton: with over a million active accounts. So if one million active accounts represents only four percent of the market today,
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Allen Middleton: we have a very high trajectory coming over the next three to five to ten years.
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Allen Middleton: Ninety-six percent of organizations use cloud in some way, whether that's an application or
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Allen Middleton: project-based initiative or as their total solution.
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Allen Middleton: Um, And they're just getting started. Understanding how the power of the cloud can change and grow their business.
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Allen Middleton: Eighty six percent of those organizations are deploying multiple cloud vendors,
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Allen Middleton: so it's an it professional for someone who aspires to be an it professional
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Allen Middleton: knowing one cloud in today's it stratosphere is not enough.
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Allen Middleton: So
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Allen Middleton: again, the data supports a clear need and demand for Aws certification. So what is an aws certification? So the first thing to know about Aws certifications is that it's a potential uh credential that's earned by you
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Allen Middleton: as an individual. It's not a team. It's not an organization
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Allen Middleton: You personally individually are demonstrating that you have successfully prepared for and passed an exam
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Allen Middleton: that validates your skills through a third party testing proctor.
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Allen Middleton: Um certified by aws
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Allen Middleton: uh to validate your skills.
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Allen Middleton: Aws, certifications, are industry recognized, credentials designed so that cloud builders
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Allen Middleton: uh such as yourself can showcase your Aws knowledge, and skills to your peers.
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Allen Middleton: Um Aws exams are rigorous,
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Allen Middleton: and that means that they are
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Allen Middleton: valuable.
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Allen Middleton: Um Aws certification volume has grown significantly since two thousand and twenty upwards of eighty five percent year over year.
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Allen Middleton: Again. Market demand for Aws Certified builders has generated that growth.
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Allen Middleton: Um, And we anticipate that that trend will only continue.
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Allen Middleton: It's also important to know that anyone can obtain an Aws certification.
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Allen Middleton: So aws does not require any specific training or specific education background for you to take a certification Exam.
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Allen Middleton: If you're a cloud builder or aspire to be a cloud builder, you're welcome to become aws certified. Now there are some ways to help you be successful and certainly completing Aws authorized training content that supports a particular certification or learning path.
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Allen Middleton: Uh, with a trusted partner like exit certified is a best practice.
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Allen Middleton: Um, and one that we see quite frequently uh to contribute to that success. But if you don't choose to do it that way,
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Allen Middleton: that's okay, too.
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Allen Middleton: The other point about Aws exams is that our certifications are created by Aws experts.
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Allen Middleton: So when we create a new certification or add new questions to an existing text,
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Allen Middleton: we gather experience uh experts who either work at aws or at our customers, or at our partner organizations, and they actually decide what's on the exam, what questions we should ask what it should take to pass
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Allen Middleton: um that way. Our exams reflect practical knowledge and skills sourced from people who are actually doing the work every day themselves.
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Allen Middleton: And again, this is part of what makes our certifications high value for candidates, and for the employers that look for those certifications to validate a a skill set of a particular individual.
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Allen Middleton: Um,
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Allen Middleton: so that you can be successful. Um, Aws does provide a syllabus of knowledge in our exam guides uh which is a summary of all the skills and abilities aws experts have identified
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Allen Middleton: uh and expect for someone in a particular role or specialty. Um, Again, taking training is a big part of developing that knowledge. And those skills. Um!
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Allen Middleton: I tend to think of training as the connective tissue.
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Allen Middleton: Um that puts everything together and supports you to achieve.
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Allen Middleton: You know, a highly valued uh certification.
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Allen Middleton: So what's in it for you? Um. Why do individuals, builders cloud enthusiasts, leaders, practitioners,
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Allen Middleton: or anyone looking to transition into a cloud career, You know. Why did they work to prepare for and take
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Allen Middleton: Aws Exam. In the midst of all of their other competing priorities uh for time.
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Allen Middleton: The reasons we hear most often from customers, boil down to the following benefits:
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Allen Middleton: First and foremost, I've mentioned already credit to it.
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Allen Middleton: Um, earning an aws certification shows that you meet the bar set by aws. Um! It's an external third party validation. Um! That helps uh sort of quantify your credibility.
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Allen Middleton: Confidence? Um, whether somebody is new to the cloud or is working in what is a very rapidly changing environment. Uh, particularly when you think about things like machine learning um earning a credential seeing that pass score. It helps,
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Allen Middleton: uh give you as an individual to boost that you know It says, hey? You know what you're doing. Keep going. Trust yourself.
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Allen Middleton: Um
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Allen Middleton: recognition is key. Um, you know it can be hard for you as an individual
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Allen Middleton: to show um
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Allen Middleton: to fully uh articulate uh your credibility um in in a day to day setting in a in a setting where you were uh working with a new manager, a new employer, having that industry recognized credentials, sort of highlights your achievement
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Allen Middleton: and speaks for you. Uh, in that regard
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Allen Middleton: uh to establish uh yourself.
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Allen Middleton: Um,
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Allen Middleton: certainly opportunity. Um, you know it. Professionals tell us that they are looking to impact their career.
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Allen Middleton: They might be making a career pivot. They might be trying to get onto an exciting project they may want to get promoted. Um, Aws Certification is a very specific milestone on those journeys that can help you get to the next step.
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Allen Middleton: Um, and finally it's motivation.
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Allen Middleton: Um. Candidates often tell us that they need the accountability of setting an exam appointment and a specific goal
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Allen Middleton: to help them prioritize learning, studying,
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Allen Middleton: and uh
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Allen Middleton: breaking out of their daily task. List to focus on
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Allen Middleton: uh developing their own individual skills.
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Allen Middleton: Um!
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Allen Middleton: Now i'll switch our lens a bit to the organizations that are looking for
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Allen Middleton: aws, certified professionals,
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Allen Middleton: and aws. Certified candidates are finding opportunity because
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Allen Middleton: aws certification has real meaning for organizations. It leaders consistently say that by employing aws certified staff
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Allen Middleton: it helps them to build faster. It helps them to improve security.
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Allen Middleton: Um, in their environment. It reduces downtime critical uh downtime, which costs money, as we all know,
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Allen Middleton: it improves and shortens deployment time.
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Allen Middleton: Um aws certification contributes to employee retention
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Allen Middleton: um in in keeping folks engaged in their organization. And most importantly, I think, on this slide for me, anyway, is is really the last point which is, drives innovation.
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Allen Middleton: Um. So ninety one percent of it leaders say that by employing Aws certified staff
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Allen Middleton: it serves as a catalyst to identify new and different ways to take advantage of Aws sort of at services
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Allen Middleton: in order to develop new products
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Allen Middleton: that drive more revenue right?
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Allen Middleton: It Leaders are constantly focused on and challenged with
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Allen Middleton: expanding product offerings and driving uh the top line revenue to increase their bottom line profits. So um aws certified professionals, they say,
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Allen Middleton: help them do that.
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Allen Middleton: So let's shift gears and talk about the certifications themselves.
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Allen Middleton: Um, so Aws offers twelve certifications today
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Allen Middleton: to earn each one. You take a corresponding exam.
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Allen Middleton: One exam per certification with the passing score achieves that certification. There are four levels of Aws certification.
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Allen Middleton: There is foundational,
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Allen Middleton: uh associate, professional and specialty.
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Allen Middleton: The certification structure is designed so that once you've earned a foundational credential,
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Allen Middleton: you move into a role-based learning path that aligns with
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Allen Middleton: the most common functional requirements. In most it organizations
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Allen Middleton: so those role-based learning paths
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Allen Middleton: begin at the associate level
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Allen Middleton: and then get more refined at the professional level, and then really die deep in specific it specialty areas as you gain more and more aws, knowledge and experience.
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Allen Middleton: So the the most common question we here is, you know, where Where do we start?
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Allen Middleton: Um! And the brief answer that Aws suggests. But we don't require
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Allen Middleton: uh is that everybody starts with cloud practitioner. Uh will give anyone who's new to the cloud or to aw specifically
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Allen Middleton: the appropriate foundation that you need. If you have a goal to earn a more advanced certification, and we certainly hope you do. It's still helpful to verify your fundamental knowledge before tackling anything more complex in another exam.
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Allen Middleton: Now you see here that
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Allen Middleton: aws yes,
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Allen Middleton: keyword suggests six months of experience in cloud.
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Allen Middleton: Um, but that's not absolute.
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Allen Middleton: So if you choose to take the uh suggested or recommended training,
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Allen Middleton: and you do some of the other activities that we suggest, and we'll touch on those in a moment when we talk about the classes we recommend, and so forth. Um, you should be in good shape.
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Allen Middleton: Most people start with this certification, whether you have it background or existing, cloud fluency or not, if you're wanting to enter it. This is the perfect place for you to start. Um if you have a cloud adjacent role.
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Allen Middleton: Um, if you're in finance or marketing some of the business areas that are not necessarily in the it Bucket?
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Allen Middleton: Um, but you touch the cloud, and you need a basic understanding of the cloud.
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Allen Middleton: Um, for your functional purposes. This is also a great place to be yet
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Allen Middleton: so that the cloud practitioner exam again, is foundational.
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Allen Middleton: Um is offered in several language
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Allen Middleton: uh languages, and the cost for that uh, is one hundred dollars.
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Allen Middleton: The associate level certifications are going to be more rigorous, and you can see here that Aws recommends
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Allen Middleton: one year of experience solving problems and implementing solutions in the cloud. Now, if you don't have
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Allen Middleton: actual enroll work, experience, there are other ways to get similar knowledge doing labs in many of the classes uh creating a free aws account playing around with the services Uh, those are also ways to get experience in the cloud. So if you don't have hands on experience.
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Allen Middleton: Uh, you'll definitely want to consider taking instructor lead training and work through Um, Those labs, perhaps. Take some practice tests to make sure you're ready, et cetera.
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Allen Middleton: Um. So these three associate level um certifications are based on roles in the cloud
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Allen Middleton: solutions. Architect, developer, and Cisops Administrator. Now each of these roles
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Allen Middleton: functionally do the things you might assume. So solutions architect would have the ability to architect and deploy Well, architectural systems that meet business needs. Sysops administrator would deploy, manage and operate systems on aws. The developer is going to be our code, right? Developing and writing code.
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Allen Middleton: Um. These associate level certifications, the cost is hundred and fifty dollars. And again, these are also offered in multiple languages,
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Allen Middleton: moving up to professional level certifications.
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Allen Middleton: Um,
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Allen Middleton: To pass these tests you really do need some significant experience on aws.
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Allen Middleton: We at aws recommend about two years of hands on enroll building
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Allen Middleton: with aws products and services
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Allen Middleton: um aws offers two role-based options at this level.
00:24:11.790 --> 00:24:20.779
Allen Middleton: The solutions architect and the Devops Engineer content on these exams is going to be pretty expansive.
00:24:21.030 --> 00:24:32.050
Allen Middleton: Um! They are going to focus both on breadth and depth of knowledge to pass these two particular certifications,
00:24:32.570 --> 00:24:40.510
Allen Middleton: These certifications, also available in multiple language and the cost for these exams is three hundred dollars per test.
00:24:42.160 --> 00:24:49.019
Allen Middleton: Finally, we move to specialty certifications which are for professionals with
00:24:49.190 --> 00:24:58.200
Allen Middleton: deep experience or expertise with these particular topics, networking data analytics. Some of you will know
00:24:58.290 --> 00:25:05.739
Allen Middleton: that as big data we just recently shifted the the of that certification. Um security
00:25:05.800 --> 00:25:08.470
Allen Middleton: sap on aws
00:25:08.640 --> 00:25:10.730
Allen Middleton: and machine learning.
00:25:11.500 --> 00:25:13.530
Allen Middleton: These are all topics.
00:25:13.830 --> 00:25:18.269
Allen Middleton: Um, that you will want to experience for a while
00:25:18.440 --> 00:25:24.340
Allen Middleton: to understand them deeply enough to be able to pass this level of certification
00:25:24.470 --> 00:25:32.309
Allen Middleton: again, going back to the value of certifications accomplishing a successful pass on a specialty Certification
00:25:32.640 --> 00:25:38.109
Allen Middleton: indicates to colleagues to employers that you are very well versed topically the
00:25:38.220 --> 00:25:40.980
Allen Middleton: and can deliver and perform
00:25:41.030 --> 00:25:45.720
Allen Middleton: um in in these particular role environments.
00:25:45.810 --> 00:25:56.710
Allen Middleton: Um! The fees for these exams uh are also three hundred dollars. Um, and there are multiple uh language options available for them as well.
00:25:57.410 --> 00:26:04.690
Allen Middleton: So all together. That's the twelve available certifications for everyone, no matter what your background or experience.
00:26:04.840 --> 00:26:13.229
Allen Middleton: Uh, if you have more of an it background. It just means you might get through to the associate level a little quicker than somebody who does not, and that's okay
00:26:13.280 --> 00:26:19.010
Allen Middleton: uh aws is dedicated to supporting builders of all levels.
00:26:19.270 --> 00:26:23.510
Allen Middleton: And this structure uh sort of allows you to do you
00:26:23.620 --> 00:26:25.609
Allen Middleton: uh exactly as you want to.
00:26:26.810 --> 00:26:35.530
Allen Middleton: So we've talked about certifications. Um, let's talk a little bit about the benefits you receive as an aws certified professional.
00:26:35.730 --> 00:26:44.850
Allen Middleton: Uh First you receive digital badges that you can add to your linkedin profiles your email signatures, your digital resume
00:26:44.990 --> 00:26:52.849
Allen Middleton: um at aws, summits and conferences. We have quite a few. Um. Frequently.
00:26:52.870 --> 00:26:55.350
Allen Middleton: Um. We provide special recognition.
00:26:55.550 --> 00:27:07.939
Allen Middleton: Um. There are invitation only events. Um, within those uh larger events that are exclusive to those folks that are aws certified.
00:27:08.160 --> 00:27:09.450
Allen Middleton: Um,
00:27:09.470 --> 00:27:17.479
Allen Middleton: we have a global community on Linkedin. Uh, and once you become certified, you will receive an invitation to join that community.
00:27:17.790 --> 00:27:20.720
Allen Middleton: Um, because we all like stuff
00:27:20.830 --> 00:27:32.089
Allen Middleton: uh, we provide access to an exclusive Aws certified merchandise store, where you, as a certified Aws professional order Merch! That looks different than
00:27:32.320 --> 00:27:35.980
Allen Middleton: someone else's who who may not be certified.
00:27:36.310 --> 00:27:37.420
Allen Middleton: Um.
00:27:39.250 --> 00:27:48.720
Allen Middleton: One other point here. If you're thinking about sort of the dollars and cents is the the discount. So once you achieve a certification with aws,
00:27:48.770 --> 00:27:51.249
Allen Middleton: you will automatically receive
00:27:51.370 --> 00:28:00.260
Allen Middleton: a fifty percent discount um voucher uh, or code to use on your next certification. Exam.
00:28:00.400 --> 00:28:07.360
Allen Middleton: Well, as a free practice test of your choice for you to prepare for the next certification.
00:28:07.480 --> 00:28:11.859
Allen Middleton: So going back to the levels of certification,
00:28:12.070 --> 00:28:28.409
Allen Middleton: even if you're considering um, you know good coming into uh the certification schema at the higher level. Sometimes it behooves you to take the certification test a level below you
00:28:28.420 --> 00:28:32.099
Allen Middleton: in order to then receive that fifty percent off benefit,
00:28:32.130 --> 00:28:37.750
Allen Middleton: so that your higher level certification test is a little less expensive.
00:28:37.910 --> 00:28:47.559
Allen Middleton: Um for you. I I that uh with folks just because most most people don't think about that. But uh, it's uh certainly worth worth your while.
00:28:47.830 --> 00:28:52.470
Allen Middleton: Uh. So we talked about Aws certifications. We talked about the benefits
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Allen Middleton: uh you know. Now what Um! So the first thing uh you need to do to make certification a reality for you is to to create a plan.
00:29:03.250 --> 00:29:06.110
Um, and you need to make a commitment to yourself
00:29:06.250 --> 00:29:08.170
Allen Middleton: and to your preparation.
00:29:08.330 --> 00:29:14.570
Allen Middleton: The very most important step that I see is that you schedule a test state.
00:29:14.770 --> 00:29:18.320
Allen Middleton: If i'm scheduled to take a test on December first,
00:29:18.520 --> 00:29:23.170
Allen Middleton: and I know that there are roughly eight weeks in front of me to prepare
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Allen Middleton: um. I can work backwards from that I can figure out, which classes I want to to take and prep. I can schedule them with exit certified, and then I can build in my
00:29:35.410 --> 00:29:38.810
Allen Middleton: post-class uh study time accordingly.
00:29:38.990 --> 00:29:53.970
Allen Middleton: Um, there are, I mentioned earlier lots of options and resources for you to study um on your own as well. Aws com and dot trainingcom um has lots of resources that are
00:29:53.980 --> 00:30:06.829
Allen Middleton: uh great supplemental resources like white papers, blogs. Hence tips and tricks all those things that will ultimately support um your success.
00:30:07.120 --> 00:30:10.790
Allen Middleton: You really do want to take some practice exams.
00:30:10.870 --> 00:30:14.960
Allen Middleton: Um! You need to get used to and get comfortable
00:30:15.290 --> 00:30:18.289
Allen Middleton: answering questions in a timed fashion.
00:30:18.380 --> 00:30:25.530
Allen Middleton: Um, you need to get used to the way that the questions are asked because they are somewhat unique.
00:30:25.910 --> 00:30:28.769
Allen Middleton: Um, in in the way that they're written
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Allen Middleton: and
00:30:30.090 --> 00:30:37.920
Allen Middleton: over time in those practice tests you'll be able to develop sort of a sixth sense about what the right version
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Allen Middleton: of the answer looks and sounds like, and that's important because it builds your confidence. It helps remove some of the fear that comes with taking any test. I know I personally am not a great test taker. So practice tests
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Allen Middleton: uh and and on cloud practitioner certified practice tests were very important to me.
00:30:57.350 --> 00:31:02.050
Allen Middleton: Um, but give yourself the opportunity to feel comfortable and confident.
00:31:03.290 --> 00:31:04.460
Allen Middleton: Um.
00:31:06.640 --> 00:31:15.870
Allen Middleton: Once you have uh scheduled your your test date, you'll want to uh decide whether you're going to do that
00:31:16.080 --> 00:31:20.379
Allen Middleton: in a testing center or an online proctor.
00:31:20.590 --> 00:31:32.589
Allen Middleton: Um, You will also need to um create your Aws certification account, so that you will be able to take your exam, and that's really important. I'll talk about that a little bit more here.
00:31:32.740 --> 00:31:39.219
Allen Middleton: Um, Where and how you should test is really dictated by your personal preferences and your your own circumstances.
00:31:39.600 --> 00:31:43.139
Allen Middleton: Some people prefer to go to a location
00:31:43.220 --> 00:31:51.479
Allen Middleton: uh that allows them to focus and eliminate any distractions that they might have in their home or office. Others want to be comfortable in their own space.
00:31:51.560 --> 00:31:56.689
Allen Middleton: Um! Beyond that there's a couple of things to consider um equipment.
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Allen Middleton: If you go to a physical testing center, you use their
00:32:01.270 --> 00:32:13.470
Allen Middleton: if you don't the just well uh in that kind of situation, not being familiar with the tools, you may want to take it at home via online proctor. So you can use your system
00:32:13.510 --> 00:32:15.210
Allen Middleton: and be comfortable with that
00:32:15.590 --> 00:32:29.479
Allen Middleton: um date and time availability. Obviously, factor in as well. The school testing centers have limited hours and a limited number of test slots per time period to choose from. So if you go with online proctoring
00:32:29.500 --> 00:32:37.100
Allen Middleton: um, you usually keyword, usually have options that are available pretty much twenty, four over seven
00:32:37.150 --> 00:32:40.570
Allen Middleton: uh depending on the particular day and time.
00:32:40.720 --> 00:32:41.660
Allen Middleton: Um,
00:32:42.030 --> 00:32:51.640
Allen Middleton: I mentioned uh various languages uh earlier um test. Language options are pretty much the same whether you're in a facility or on site.
00:32:51.740 --> 00:32:57.339
Allen Middleton: Um, But one note is that if you choose to do an online proctor.
00:32:57.530 --> 00:32:58.690
Allen Middleton: Um.
00:32:58.820 --> 00:33:01.939
Allen Middleton: The proctor who will work with you
00:33:01.960 --> 00:33:16.009
Allen Middleton: will be limited to only, or either English or Japanese as a language. Um, and that's the person who will check you in, validate your credentials, set you up if you started
00:33:16.050 --> 00:33:30.210
Allen Middleton: um audit your testing experience. So if that is a potential concern, um or a barrier that might impact your your level of comfortability. Um, I would consider that as well.
00:33:30.460 --> 00:33:41.319
Allen Middleton: Typically, if you go to a physical center. Um, you will have, whatever their local language uh primary languages available to you.
00:33:42.260 --> 00:33:47.969
Allen Middleton: By the way, if you choose to take your test in any other language other than English,
00:33:47.990 --> 00:33:54.090
Allen Middleton: you typically get an additional thirty minutes to complete the exam. So if you're multilingual
00:33:54.300 --> 00:34:03.339
Allen Middleton: uh and you want more time, you could opt for another language uh to take your exam. If that's something that would be comfortable for you.
00:34:03.670 --> 00:34:05.320
Allen Middleton: Um breaks.
00:34:05.420 --> 00:34:07.899
Allen Middleton: You can take a break in a testing center.
00:34:08.280 --> 00:34:14.029
Allen Middleton: You're not allowed to take any breaks if you're proctoring online.
00:34:14.300 --> 00:34:22.170
Allen Middleton: Um, So that's something to consider uh, based on again your uh personal preferences. Um:
00:34:22.340 --> 00:34:29.940
Allen Middleton: physical testing centers. You get a dry erase, not pad given to you to make notes to answer questions as you need.
00:34:29.960 --> 00:34:32.470
Allen Middleton: Um. Whereas
00:34:32.679 --> 00:34:39.979
Allen Middleton: in the online proctor environment you're gonna get a digital whiteboard, so that that proctor can audit
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Allen Middleton: the things that you're writing down and doing uh to make sure that they're in compliance with the rules.
00:34:45.840 --> 00:34:51.679
Allen Middleton: All of these little details are important, as you consider taking your exam
00:34:52.380 --> 00:34:53.529
Allen Middleton: um
00:34:54.760 --> 00:35:03.690
Allen Middleton: quick tips if you choose online proctoring. Um, These seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how these simple points can hang you up or trip you up
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Allen Middleton: and impact your your test. Taking experience.
00:35:07.060 --> 00:35:12.700
Allen Middleton: It is critical, critical, critical, that you read the confirmation email in detail.
00:35:12.830 --> 00:35:19.830
Allen Middleton: Um, you need to know what the rules are. You need to internalize those so that there are no
00:35:19.870 --> 00:35:20.930
Allen Middleton: oops
00:35:21.310 --> 00:35:24.399
Allen Middleton: uh that impact your exam completion
00:35:24.500 --> 00:35:25.930
Allen Middleton: simple things.
00:35:26.080 --> 00:35:29.389
Allen Middleton: You can't speak or mouth words while you test
00:35:29.560 --> 00:35:30.669
Allen Middleton: um,
00:35:31.180 --> 00:35:35.979
Allen Middleton: and and if you do, your your testing session is disqualified.
00:35:36.340 --> 00:35:38.640
Allen Middleton: Um! So read the fine print
00:35:39.030 --> 00:35:44.930
Allen Middleton: very important. Um, especially if you are like me, a nervous test taker.
00:35:45.090 --> 00:35:49.549
Allen Middleton: Um run the recommended system tax uh tests well in advance,
00:35:49.660 --> 00:35:57.750
Allen Middleton: uh so you can pivot and make an adjustment if you need to. Uh, If there's a compliance issue or a machine uh equipment issue
00:35:57.850 --> 00:36:03.920
Allen Middleton: and check in early, you know I suggest. Uh aws suggests uh thirty minutes in advance
00:36:04.020 --> 00:36:13.629
Allen Middleton: uh rushing last minute unknowns can impact your nerves, your confidence going into the test. So set your self up
00:36:13.660 --> 00:36:15.049
Allen Middleton: for success.
00:36:15.110 --> 00:36:22.629
Allen Middleton: Know what to expect. Set up your equipment. Get there early. Um! So that all of that is um
00:36:22.950 --> 00:36:27.229
Allen Middleton: uh, not important. As you dive into the um
00:36:28.800 --> 00:36:32.159
Allen Middleton: structure and content of the test
00:36:34.800 --> 00:36:37.640
Allen Middleton: again. Here, Exam. Prep.
00:36:37.920 --> 00:36:40.000
Allen Middleton: Um exam. Readiness
00:36:40.060 --> 00:36:45.559
Allen Middleton: test. Um uh practice tests are all very critical.
00:36:45.800 --> 00:36:48.470
Allen Middleton: Um, if you're not a technical person
00:36:48.520 --> 00:36:54.330
Allen Middleton: or you're not good at taking tests. Um! These things will help you enormously.
00:36:54.510 --> 00:36:55.700
Allen Middleton: Um
00:36:56.420 --> 00:37:02.439
Allen Middleton: Again, how is the test going to be structured. What will the questions look and sound like? How much of the test
00:37:02.500 --> 00:37:09.239
Allen Middleton: uh might be on one topic or another? It sounds simple, but it's all good stuff. Um,
00:37:09.360 --> 00:37:19.190
Allen Middleton: and your exit certified uh account Rep. Can talk to you about what those options and things are uh to add to
00:37:19.230 --> 00:37:21.400
Allen Middleton: um your foundational tests.
00:37:21.950 --> 00:37:23.769
Allen Middleton: Um! So
00:37:23.960 --> 00:37:30.409
Allen Middleton: in summary uh, we've covered all the topics. I think we hope to. Um. I hope you got a lot
00:37:30.630 --> 00:37:45.600
Allen Middleton: out of it. Um that you understand what the value of certification is. You understand the different types of certification and roles uh off off to you by aws for certification. The methods for taking certification.
00:37:45.610 --> 00:37:55.609
Allen Middleton: Um, and the importance of training and preparing for that certification. Miles, Do you want to talk a little bit uh in more detail about
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Allen Middleton: um exactly uh what uh
00:37:59.600 --> 00:38:14.909
Myles Brown: what folks should do next,
00:38:14.920 --> 00:38:32.900
Myles Brown: and and there are no there are no like Pre-rex that you have to get an associate before a professional or any of that. But I would say that you definitely need to have the knowledge that you could pass the exam. And um, but we do see, you know, some deeply technical people skipping the cloud practitioner.
00:38:32.910 --> 00:38:50.010
Myles Brown: Um, We We find that the cloud practitioner is especially popular with people who are maybe not really deep in, you know. They're They're maybe like like you, said a cloud adjacent a lot of project managers, people who need to talk to the Cloud people.
00:38:50.020 --> 00:39:18.700
Myles Brown: Um! We usually encourage them to to go for the cloud practitioner, but some people just want to get that first one under their belt it. You know the best practice for an aws exam is to do another. Aws exam right, and so you get that. The idea of what it's like, and and just to talk to something Allen mentioned about the um. You know the online proctoring, you know. Try and get there half an hour early because you are going to have to do a little bit of. You know. You have to take picture of all four sides of the desk that you're working at,
00:39:18.840 --> 00:39:40.380
Myles Brown: and I I found the first time I did one at home uh my office had mirrors on one side. They didn't like that, like you can't have any books or anything near you. Obviously, Um, because they're just going to see your webcam. So so you have to take all these pictures right before the uh, the actual exam. I ended up moving to my kitchen table because that was sort of. There was nothing around.
00:39:40.390 --> 00:39:52.249
Myles Brown: Um. So give yourself that time. Um. Another thing to mention is that right now the exams are, with the exception of one, all just multiple choice questions.
00:39:52.260 --> 00:40:09.230
Myles Brown: But the the cisops exam does have sort of a hands on component where they give you a management console, and they ask you to do some stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's more exams like that down the road where you know a good chunk of it is multiple choice. And then there's a practical component.
00:40:09.260 --> 00:40:11.689
Myles Brown: And so it's
00:40:11.830 --> 00:40:18.200
Myles Brown: looking like in the future that hands-on experience with aws is going to be more and more important.
00:40:18.270 --> 00:40:23.140
Myles Brown: Now, the cloud practitioner is something that you know.
00:40:24.040 --> 00:40:43.210
Myles Brown: If you've been using aws for a while, you say, Oh, I can do that. It's still worth studying, because there's a lot of like It's these these exams the breadth of knowledge you need is sometimes, you know I can work with the cloud for two years, but I've only ever used this small set of services. So so what we find is that training really helps.
00:40:43.220 --> 00:41:02.389
Myles Brown: Now, with the cloud practitioner there is. There is a pretty good on Aws skill. Builder. Um a pretty good, you know, set of videos that you could go through if you prefer instructor lead. We do run that class fairly often. So if I go. Look at Cloud practitioner. I think there's a hyperlink should take me to my uh
00:41:02.400 --> 00:41:20.039
Myles Brown: website here. So this is exit, certified Dot Com. If I view the schedule. You know we we have this class running October eighteenth, November first, November eighth, November fifteenth. So almost every week, and uh wherever you see the Gtr. That means it's guaranteed to run.
00:41:20.050 --> 00:41:25.609
Myles Brown: So we run enough Aws classes that we have a very large guaranteed to run schedule,
00:41:25.620 --> 00:41:48.880
Myles Brown: which means, if you sign up for it. It's gonna run right. Uh That's not always the case in the training industry. Uh, but we're We're pretty pretty uh set on that. Now we find that you know the cloud practitioner is pretty popular, because you know, it's a really wide net that it casts, but beyond that the most popular certification, we see is the the Uh Solutions Architect Associate.
00:41:48.890 --> 00:41:59.470
Myles Brown: You could take a three day architect in class pretty much for everyone. Almost every one of those certifications. There's sort of a three or four day class that kind of helps with it.
00:41:59.480 --> 00:42:27.409
Myles Brown: Um, we don't say that these classes are. They're not specifically Exam. Prep. Classes right? The three day architect in class is there to basically teach you about the Aws architecture and and how things fit together. And it, in my mind does the best job of giving you the the full uh breadth of knowledge about aws. Um, You know the the developer or the Sysops. They're a little bit more um specific.
00:42:27.420 --> 00:42:36.880
Myles Brown: So the developing uh, both the class and the exam are very specific about using. You know the the services that you would interact with using the Sdk and things like that.
00:42:37.020 --> 00:42:42.159
Myles Brown: But the architect is the broadest, and so that I think what makes it the most popular.
00:42:42.170 --> 00:43:01.899
Myles Brown: Uh, we do have a five day exam readiness, intensive workshop, which uh starts off very similar. The first three days is basically that architect in class. And then it is sort of intensive exam stuff where we do some practice exams and stuff, so that that's your best bet to get really ready for the exam.
00:43:01.910 --> 00:43:15.589
Myles Brown: And so these classes all run fairly often. Um! But you know, no matter which certification you're going for we usually have the classes. Now there are two exceptions, where aws does not have an official class That maps
00:43:15.600 --> 00:43:43.619
Myles Brown: pretty closely, and one of them is the question, Fernando to Sas, which is the sap on aws do I need to take uh entire set of courses foundational, associate, professional, uh, or what? Well, here's the problem. There is no aws authorized class for the sap on aws. So you kind of have to know sap basics right? So you could take training from sap exit certified also does that.
00:43:43.630 --> 00:43:59.740
Myles Brown: And so if you want to get some sap training. But I assume that most people looking for that certification already know sap, and they want to know how to run it on aws. What there is is. If you are an aws partner, part of the Apn. They have
00:43:59.750 --> 00:44:17.529
Myles Brown: probably about two or three hour video on sap on aws that that's a good starting point. But we don't have a good instructor led training, but you better know the basics of aws. So take the uh. Maybe even the architecting on aws would be probably a good grounding in that.
00:44:17.570 --> 00:44:30.000
Myles Brown: The other exam that we don't have a perfect, you know class for is the networking one and the advanced networking specialty. Exam. It talks a lot about, you know, generic
00:44:30.010 --> 00:44:45.549
Myles Brown: uh networking stuff that is not aws specific. And then, of course, it gets into the aws um uh specific services around networking. So we generally suggest that people looking for that they better be networking experts first,
00:44:45.560 --> 00:44:53.239
Myles Brown: and then they can come and take either the architect and class or the Sisops class, and maybe even the advanced architect. Me.
00:44:53.470 --> 00:45:02.640
Myles Brown: Uh, we have a question here any difference in course content between the architecting and the certified architect Associate.
00:45:02.840 --> 00:45:04.580
Myles Brown: Um. Well,
00:45:05.260 --> 00:45:15.550
Myles Brown: well, one of those is the certification, and one is our class. So I I I guess, between these two classes I think if you mean these uh, the difference is,
00:45:15.560 --> 00:45:41.299
Myles Brown: you know, the the second one starts with the first three days is basically, the same content. And then we get into uh some extra exam related topics, and we we do a few practice exams, you know, as a group, so we have lots of classes. Um, um for the various uh exams. If you want to get into it, you know we can always talk to you about it. But what we find is that, you know,
00:45:41.470 --> 00:46:10.470
Myles Brown: moving to the cloud is often a lot more than just. Hey, I need to take some courses on. Aws right. If if you look at a real cloud journey a lot of times, it comprises technologies from a variety of vendors, you know a lot of times these days, people say. Well, we're going to move to the cloud, and we're going to re architect our application. We're going to use micro services. We're going to implement those using containers and kubernetes, you know. Maybe we're going to further embrace devops. And so at exit certified. We built this sort of
00:46:10.480 --> 00:46:24.209
Myles Brown: mit ctl, and what we call cloud Centric's portfolio, and it sort of addresses, training across all these sort of both commercial and open source projects that you might need to learn to build these sort of cloud native-type solutions. One hundred and fifty
00:46:24.220 --> 00:46:43.289
Myles Brown: so we've. We've got some uh pretty great training. It starts here in the middle with, you know, the official aws classes. But then around that we've we've augmented it. We We've got a lot of other topics that might be of interest. So if you're interested at all, uh, you know our websites exit certified dot com
00:46:43.300 --> 00:46:56.609
Myles Brown: uh, you can check it out. You see a lot of stuff in there. Um! The the Cloud centrics diagram you get to pretty quickly. If you go to the topics and look up, cloud, and then you can click on any of those sections and learn more about it.
00:46:56.620 --> 00:47:21.930
Myles Brown: Um! There's a chat right there that you could put you in touch with one of our sales reps. Who can get you started? Um, You probably, if you're in this webinar you may have be already in our database, you probably get some marketing through us. One of the things we do is, you know, if you're an Aws customer of ours, we usually send out our Gtr email, probably a race six weeks or so, saying, What's the upcoming classes that are guaranteed to run
00:47:21.940 --> 00:47:39.450
Myles Brown: um. So that's that's something that you know if if you're in that kind of hey, I'm eventually gonna go for my say data, analytic specialty. Well, you got to walk before you can run, and so you'll probably start with some introductory training, and then maybe one of those sort of
00:47:39.460 --> 00:47:56.849
Myles Brown: intermediate level, the the architect class, or the Sysops class, and Then you go into the the you know the the big data type class. So these days we've got four. One day classes that we're going to bundle as a four day class, and that that'll get you, you know, pretty much
00:47:56.860 --> 00:48:01.539
Myles Brown: on your way to being ready for that for that data analytics. Exam:
00:48:01.750 --> 00:48:13.840
Myles Brown: So I think that's a main content we wanted to deliver. I want to thank Allen for his time today. Um! Aws is a really great partner of ours, and we've been.
00:48:13.850 --> 00:48:32.760
Myles Brown: We've been very happy with with the support they provide us. Uh, and the the courseware that they develop. You know they develop this courseware, and then they update it. You know that we're seeing updates almost every two weeks because the cloud is such a moving target. That's why authorized training, I think is so important.
00:48:32.870 --> 00:48:44.540
Myles Brown: Um! Can I share the cloud Centric Link? Ah, yes, I think I can. Um! Let me go find it. I think it's just exit certified slash,
00:48:46.380 --> 00:48:49.190
Myles Brown: you know. I mean I guess I could find it right here.
00:48:49.440 --> 00:48:57.280
Myles Brown: Somebody's looking for that link. I think, if I just go to Cloud centric that should get me there. Let me just make sure that i'm
00:48:57.480 --> 00:48:59.029
Myles Brown: spelling it right?
00:48:59.700 --> 00:49:17.550
Myles Brown: Okay? Well, yeah, it redirects to this page. But yeah, that'll get you there, I hopefully, in the Q. A. You can see that it is a hyperlink. I think it should be. Yeah, it is a mine. I don't some people have the hyperlinks in uh in zoom
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Myles Brown: disabled. But hopefully you can click through that and get to our Cloud centrix. And somewhere in there we've got the diagram,
00:49:24.020 --> 00:49:36.049
Myles Brown: and and like I said, if you click on a section like here that the cloud native and containers, it takes you to all of our courses on that, and you know. So if you want a Kubernetes class,
00:49:36.060 --> 00:49:46.500
Myles Brown: we've got various uh, you know we We partnered with a couple of different companies, for uh, so Marantis is a Cloud native company. They have really great training.
00:49:46.510 --> 00:50:04.040
Myles Brown: Uh, the Linux foundation also has, you know, training that prepares you for their Ck: A. And Ck A. B certifications. So that's that's kind of the idea there. Um the other. The other link i'll put in, is just our Aws training page as well.
00:50:04.050 --> 00:50:10.889
Myles Brown: I mean, if I can put that in there as well, I think that'll work. I can just tack that on top. Yeah, that works.
00:50:12.120 --> 00:50:27.119
Myles Brown: So if there are any other questions uh, we're gonna stick around a little bit here, you can throw them in the Q. A. Um, but um. Otherwise. I I think that Hillary said that we'll be sending this recording out to everybody who registered.
00:50:28.900 --> 00:50:34.109
ExitCertified: Yes, that's correct. Everyone will receive. Everyone who registered will receive the recording by the end of the week.
00:50:34.510 --> 00:50:36.020
Okay, Great?
00:50:48.140 --> 00:50:51.610
Myles Brown: Well, the number of attendees is starting to dwindle.
00:50:51.700 --> 00:50:55.920
Myles Brown: Well, we'll wait a little bit and see if there's any questions that pop up.
00:51:17.380 --> 00:51:27.909
Myles Brown: Oh, so, Fernando! The link to the Cloud Centrics is in the Q. A. Box. If you look at the answered questions in the Q. A. Box you should see. I put a couple of links in there.
00:51:45.210 --> 00:51:48.029
Guess I could put it in the chat as well.
00:51:48.460 --> 00:51:50.799
Let's see if that helps.
00:52:02.350 --> 00:52:07.150
Myles Brown: Okay, I put it in the chat as well. So if you click on the chat, you should see it in there.
00:52:09.690 --> 00:52:11.040
Myles Brown: Okay, perfect.
00:52:28.770 --> 00:52:34.579
Myles Brown: Hmm. Well, thank you for your time today, and we look forward to seeing you in a class soon.
00:52:34.710 --> 00:52:36.259
Allen Middleton: Yup. Thanks, everybody.
00:52:37.660 --> 00:52:38.549